Angelro's contest: finding positivity in life

Salem Steemians πŸ’

image do you have any idea what's these? If you want to know.. Find the answer at the bottom of this postπŸ˜‹

I knew that my friend @angelro has another plans for me and my other half @cicisaja for this contest, but I'd like to share one as participant tooπŸ˜‚
Before I start, please check out the link to his post Contest to Celebrate Rep 50 and 2222 followers

Cici has had a small accident with knife two days ago, She's cleaning the fish that we bought from the supermarket, the fish cleaning man didn't does a good job on that fish, so Cici has to re-clean it before She made me My Fish Soup. Accidentally, she misplaced the knife and cut her left thumb. I run to the garage shop to find a first aid band, but then She told me to get these leaves.

image cassava leaves from our garden

I gave her the leaves after washed with clean water. She chewed the leaves and put it on her wounded thumb to stop the bleeding. When the bleeding stopped within seconds, She put on the first aid band, send me her best smile and continue her works till it done. Well, this is not the first time I saw her using any of the plants we have in the garden for the treatment purposes. She was using the Bilimbi fruits to clean her nails and told me it was a manicure services from the nature πŸ˜‚ better than beauty care does.

image peperomia pellucida or Chinese betel is useful as anti-inflammatory, but my wife use this as salad and to stop the itchy feeling caused by ant's bite or mosquito's sting

She always make me smile with her unusual ideas about using anything that categorised as weed or waste and turning it into something useful. You know, she's the one who asked me to collect the dried cow dungs for fertiliser πŸ˜‚πŸ„.

image her disagreement with my idea to buy another plastic pot for my bauhinia flower, gimme another ideas to use the abandoned waste of woods from the mosque's construction and turned it into a big pot πŸ‘·

I don't need to tell her any jokes or think harder to make her smile and come up with another ideas about turning bad situation into something worth to laugh at or take a lesson learned from it. We've been trying to find any positivities to help each other and others too. why don't you share the good deeds of your actions so far?. We will lose the chance to enjoy our life if we keep talking about our pay it forward actions.

image that smile on her face is the only thing I need to stay beside her forever, She's so happy when I agreed to take her to the book launched last Wednesday, I knew She wanted to see her friends who is the Author of the book and other Acehnese friends, who I can tell you that all of them are men😳

Every time we have a chance to meet her friends, I can see that She is look more beautiful because she changed jokes in the language that I don't understand, but She'll tells me later at home. I have more friends now, and I can build another good network with them.

See, friendship is the best way to make a positive move in your life. Engaging is not hard and you'll find many positive consequences to enjoy your life.

The first picture is chocolate sweets, one of the special and unique souvenirs from Mekkah, Saudi Arabia. My nephew who has came from the pilgrimage last month gave us as a travel gift.

Hey you can find more positivities in life by sharing and joining the community and contest too!

Thanks For Stopping By and Have a Blessed weekend 🌹

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