Who Is @abit And Evidence That He/She Is Not A Bot! - WhoIsWho Continues!

 Wait a @abit! If you only waited just @abit more; to look at steemit a little closely, you will unravel some really amazing new things. 
"Not everything here on steemit is a bot". "At the very least, the bots here are human-like". 

How many days did I spend on bitlanders.com?

After tsu.co (a centralized social network platform modeled like Facebook but that, shared ad-revenue with content creators) halted; I looked for a new home. 

(tsu.co, wasn't exactly home enough but it was the only home we had at the time!)

Enroute finding a new place to perch on, to build nest; one of the places I found was bitlander.com. I didn't know of "social network built on a decentralized blockchain" at the time! So the aim was to find a place, that valued content creators for the most part! 
Amongst, many other social platforms that I tried, I got on bitlanders and seriously, I was only there for 2 days or perhaps, slightly more. 

The beginning was intriguing I tell you. UI was very interactive, creative and fresh! My first such experience. It looked and felt very game-like at the time. For my profile, I had to choose an avatar that will describe me. You could choose its attire, skin color etc and there was always some treasure boxes to open, that will gift you coins for your social media activity. 
It is said that you earn coins but till date, I don't know if those coins, where actually cryptocurrency or perhaps some fun test coins. I never got to know if it was on a blockchain either, because the truth is, I never went back there, after a couple of days. I did amass some playful or game-looking coins though!

Thinking of it now, perhaps, they paid cryptocurrency, because they also had charities that you can donate your earnings to. Apart from interactivity and getting earnings, for regular social media activity, it was pretty easy to blog. They had mostly, micro-blogging, thus, blogging was then as easy as a.b,c. You could also upload videos etc but hey there, remember I was looking for a home and it felt nothing like a home!

First attraction did win me though! I had never seen any social network at the time, that was so creatively engaging but deep down who wants to go on a date with an avatar. It speedily started to feel empty, even fake! Yes, there were people behind those avatars but there was no ounce of way to feel the presence of these humans. Avatars, stole the show I guess, plus, the comment section wasn't very interactive. There wasn't any real way to feel a connection, the presence of humans or to circumvent the avatar effect. 

I found steemit! It took me time to know, that it had many bots. 

Overall, I know of bots all over the Internet. Twitter has it, Instagram has it but on steemit, you can live with it, because there is also a huge community of humans and it is so easy to feel that; 'From steemit, to steemit.chat to steemspeak.com and back, then to the 'comment and replies' section of profiles and back'. This can easily be called home!

Steemit has bots etc. It doesn't feel too good at times, but our bots talk!
Our bots, even behave human-like, perhaps, they are human afterall! Perhaps, there a fewer bots, than we think there are, on steemit!

Don't be hastily conclusive about steemians, based on their usernames. Yes, some usernames on steemit instantly spell 'bot'; but you need to see this so-called bots holding solid conversations and expressing emotions. Gosh, only real humans do that. 

I won't lie, steemit is indeed amazing. You just need to pause @abit more. Look more intently and it easy, to feel the presence of humans here. 
Now this is luxury on today's Internet and especially marveling luxury, that we can have that feeling, on a decentralized platform like steemit, that is also built around maintaining privacy. 

Yes, it is very easy to see usernames, that spells nothing, about the identity of a human but hey there, next time you get on their blog and see a bunch of only resteemed posts etc, don't hurriedly bounce out. Keep the bounce rate low and go check out the 'comments and replies' section and you will marvel and the very presence of human. You will see human sentiments and emotions plus human Intel. It always sounds; feels different!

This much human presence on today's Internet is luxury! You don't get that, just anywhere. Join steemit, if you haven't!

I would easily think, that @abit was a bot, if I hastily concluded, by looking at its username and perhaps, if I checked its blog, for instance and saw mostly resteemed posts etc. But like I said, always wait @abit and you will marvel at what you'll find. Perhaps, you will find so much heart, so much love, so much generosity, so much intellect, so much thinking, so much human!
Look again and you will see that @abit, has a gender and he or she is definitely not an 'it'. Wait @abit. I will explain!

Who is @Abit?

image source/credit to: @abit

Let me see, if can find his/her introductory post! Well, it was hard, and I am still looking to find the introduceyourself post. But again, wait @abit; Not everyone on steemit, has an introductory post. Some did theirs much later and some never needed to. 

I waited @abit and kept scrolling down. He/she had even resteemed one of my post and this was a conscious effort. Very unbotlike
You can call it anything! For me though, it meant many big things! well, he may have seen some value in my content; he could have read it; she may have resteemed it to read it later; she may have resteemed it, to make someone's day.
 Well, it made my day. To see my posts thrive, is really fulfilling for me, etc

It is evident; @abit is a witness! Read this post here, to hear of a witness, who is keen on the growth of steem technology and especially, the growth of steemit and steemians.

But let us pause @abit; I am pausing! 
If you want a window or door into the person of @abit, this is it:



Amongst countless interactive, upbuilding, passionate comments and replies as seen on @abit's blog; "A bot, doesn't have the capacity to ask if a 'human or bot' is 'bot or human'." Well, lol; see this:

Are you a robot?

Let's call an SBD an SBD.

"@abit is from China". Now, this is of importance as effort to bring in Asia, to the blockchain can't be overemphasized. Amongst, the 20 top netizen countries in the world, 9 are in Asia.
China, host a large population of netizens but as well, a great firewall to curb internet usage. Most popular social media websites, external to China, are blocked and websites allowable in China are censored by its government. 

In words of @ekitcho:

Why STEEM in its actual form may disturb to China GOV ?

@ned explains it clearly :

“Because it’s based entirely on a blockchain, Steemit shows what a social media can look like without censorship. Everything we see on Steemit.com comes from the open source Steem blockchain, so the entire network is replicable on any front-end application. Attempts at censorship can be proven by anyone with a blockchain explorer or another front-end application built on the Steem, so users can feel free to post how they really feel. This freedom is what empowers the Steemit community, and it’s one of the major ways we’re different from centralized, controlling and manipulative social media networks,”

"This is exactly why the Chinese will not let Steem and Steemit.com passing through the Great FireWall. China can not let a website like steemit.com where any content can be posted without their filters, and never be censored or deleted. This is clearly impossible." @ekitcho

How does "uncensored steemit", get into the China and its masses of netizens, without disrupting China government policies?

 To brainstorm, solutions to this technical issue, a feat that Facebook, Tor etc, hasn't accomplished; is not bot-joke. It is beyond the capacity of myriads of bots, put together!

@abit amongst a few other Steemians from China, like @laonie and @boombastic; are behind our scenes, performing amazing breakthrough. See this post by @ekitcho, from 6 months back:


For now at the very least, the hashtag(cn) is up and running and still accessible by China!

Let's pause @abit again! In general, on steemit and in the past few weeks, I have been seeing that, the need to give more attention to the comments and to the growth of true community and interaction, is starting to become mainstream. 

I have highlighted this need way back, when I started as most of what I have learned about using steemit, steem technology, plus my small additional knowledge about cryptocurrency, bots, development, etc; came from my reading the comment section of posts; where people are more themselves, impromptu and downtoearth etc; because of the 'to-and-fro' nature of the comments. 

I got my interest in @abit mostly recently! Yes, some names on steemit, sound like bots! Yes, fascinating names but you may not check out some profiles more intently at first, mostly based on how their username sounds. I haven't given attention to checking out @cheetah's profile for instance or let's say steemcleaner or maybe screenname etc. But why not check them out really and especially their 'comment and reply' section. 

Like I said earlier, @abit resteemed my post but something intrigued me as well. He upvoted tangible comments on my post too and perhaps, mine had some value in it too, as he voted mine as well.

So there, I got a bit more than 3$ on the post itself, but comments on my post, like those of @nonameslefttouse and @stellabelle got upvoted too! This was my first such experience on my post and I believe, this was to teach amongst other things!

 So @abit could easily be a passionate teacher too!

Look at this post to see further evidence that interaction and community, is celebrated on steemit, perhaps even more so, now! 

 Guardian of the steem universe: A different perspective on the role of whales within steem ecosystem; by @snowflake

See what went on, on the above post and in its comment section? Please take note of the vastness of the comment section and the too much, backandforth knowledge, that it holds! 

And, if you are want to pay attention, to extra details and perhaps, some insight into the future of steemit, when it comes to real community and tangible interaction, look at the pattern of the comments; how subjective sentiments are handled and also, look at the potential earning on some of the comments. 
Some of the comments have higher potential payout than their host-post.

Like I said, based on this and what I have been seeing reading posts and comments on steemit lately, perhaps, this is a glimpse into the near future of steemit; where community, interaction and true connections, start to hold sway!

Perhaps, this is to drive us towards engaging in comments, more. No doubt on steemit, the comment section, is the community and holds a ton of raw, impromptu, downtoearth, sentimental, emotional, weighty information; which is very far from bot-like. I mean, a bot can very much likely, be able to write a post but can it really communicate?

Too, some of these tangible posts, stay lost or missing altogether, unless made visible somehow!
I doubt if many steemians go regularly to people's profiles, to check out, the 'comment and reply' section. 

My recent and new way of curating, which involves getting to know as many steemians as possible, so as to inspire them and their work, requires that I read as much of their blog as I can!

Incentive to actually read through posts, so as to be moved into making valid comments and engagement is evident in the sample posts above and especially paying attention to the potential earning of the comments on steemit, nowadays. 
In our samples above, the post in itself, has around 3$, while some of the replies or comments have 7 or 8$. 

I implore you to take out time to read and pay attention to @abit's blog's 'comment and reply' section to be further told that he is not a bot! Too, it holds a lot of powerful info.


@abit; He is a witness, actively engaging, strategizing, brainstorming; to develop the steem technology. She propagates the need for a true community of steemians as he takes time to read amazing comments and upvotes them to more visibility, plus, he takes time to make replies and comments. She teaches! He is keen on teaching! She is a developer! He is human!

I already got an idea for my next post and it will be beautiful. 
You will have whole laughs, guaranteed!

Wait @abit, lemme take a selfie, nope a screenshot. Nope, wait a bit for my next post!

Your boy, Terry @surpassinggoogle 

All additional source/credit to: @abit @ekitcho

Read something about the person of @abit:


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