Crypto is ushering in an Age of Abundance. Decentralization is coming, and with it, freedom from the invisible chains that bind us to debt-slavery and the corporate rat race. Soon™, in the near future, we will have the opportunity to be both producers and consumers. Cryptocurrency will allow us to produce money. 3D-printers (humanity's most primitive Star Trek replicator) will allow us to produce physical products. Decentralized systems of trust will merge together into an entirely new economy of cooperative capitalism. Where do you fit in to this new paradigm?

Most of us live in absolute scarcity without even knowing it. How many couples do you know who's main fight is about money? People fight about money all the time? Why? Because either someone is being greedy or their simply just isn't enough to go around.
We don't live on the Nile River anymore. Back in those days, if the river banks didn't flood, food would be scarce and the lowest class citizens would be doomed to starvation. Back in those days, technology just wasn't good enough to provide for everyone; someone had to draw the short end. Today this is no longer the case. Our pyramid structured economy has outdated itself, and a new Wild-West crypto sheriff is in town. He's taking names, so you better act accordingly.

Very few like to admit it, but we have all been subjected to a lifetime of brainwashing. No one wants to admit being brainwashed; many view it as an admittance of a weak mind. However, this is not the case. We are all programmable, and that programming has the greatest effect on us when we are young. The things that happened to us when we were children will stay with us for our entire lifetimes.
If I'm being honest this Key and Peele sketch really resonates with me:
I've done way more embarrassing things than that in the name of conservation.
We've been bred for competition, and this allows us to be divided and conquered. How can we break free from these shackles that have enslaved the world for so long?
Fake it till you make it.
If you want to hit the ground running you'll have to act as though you're already there. Whenever you perform a questionable action ask yourself, "Is this something a person would do who had everything that they wanted?" If the answer is "no", and it almost always is, then you should reconsider your actions, or at least recognize that you are living in scarcity. This is the Golden Path.

The Golden Path is a reference from the Dune book series but I believe it also applies in this situation. In the book one can gain clairvoyance by being subjected to a drug called the Spice. Your ability to peer into the future is limited. The Golden Path is a metaphor for the idea that even though we can't see the final destination, we can still divine the actions needed to get there. In the case of cryptocurrency, the Golden Path implies that we should start living in abundance and casting off selfish/greedy behavior.
Cryptocurrency is a Race To The Bottom. If you start at the bottom (zero greed) you'll automatically win the race. I am dirt poor, but I am still willing to work on blockchain projects for free. Why? Because this is what someone with millions of dollars would do. Even though I need the money, I'll pretend like I don't for as long as I can. Those who bring value to the entire group, rather than focusing on themselves, are in the prime position to make ultimate communities and ultimate blockchains.

Living in abundance is not to be confused with being rich and doing whatever you want. Ultimate blockchains will come to consensus and kick these leeches to the curb. This is why we all need to start preparing ourselves today. In a transparent world, no one is going to give you the okay to be a glutton and waste resources. If you don't prepare yourself for this eventual reality, you'll find yourself in a very small position.
Follow the Golden Path. Cast off your mindset of scarcity and attempt to bring value to as many people as possible. We can carry a light forward through the darkness if we work together.