The Schteinn Report -- A Real News Report For The Real People Of The Real World Of Steemit ~ All Original Content ~ STORY AT HAND: @haphazard-hstead Has An Advent Of Spring Sheep Party...With CONTESTS!


~Third Edition~

For All The News That Ought To Be News

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Welcome, to the Third Edition of 'The Schteinn Report'

Brought To You By: Variable Productions Limited

This one is : 'On The Vine'

-A Steemit Post Review: Welcome to Spring! Celebrate with Sheep and Four Contests! by @haphazard-hstead

Photo: Taken from article, which was taken by @haphazard-hstead. Used with permission.

Rating: ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ - 10/10 !

(Happy heads @ the theater)

Recommendation: You Really Should Go Read This Post, AND JOIN THE CONTESTS!

"It looks like Spring has Sproinged. And with it, a nifty little contest to celebrate this new happening. Unfortunately, I almost missed it. But as my dear Mother used to say, "Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand-grenades, and atomic warfare."


If you have a penchant for jokes, homemade cards, first signs of spring, and the ubiquitous MEME, this is your chance. Lets face it, not only is it a whole barrel-full of monkey-fun, but there are tons of photos of sheep in this post. How often do you get the opportunity to make jokes about sheep? Most of the jokes I see are pretty Baaaad! (For some reason, the word 'sheep' is really fun to say over and over and over).

So...if you like parties, and sheep, and have some ideas for jokes and cards and such, head on over and participate in the Spring Fling. The contests all end at 2100 (09:00 PDT) tonight. ONLY SIX MORE HOURS TO MAKE UP A DUMB JOKE, PEOPLE!" I know I did.

Well, that's all for now on that Post. Head right out and check it out. You Just Might Like It.

"Old Fashioned Sheep-Parties to Celebrate The Advent of Spring--The Way It's Supposed To Be" -dds

Thanks for stopping in, to get some REAL NEWS

A Huge Shout Out, with a reporter's official megaphone goes to @ocrdu for designing and creating this wonderful new credential (below) for The Schteinn Report. Not only is it gorgeous and well developed, but I now have access and entry into places I'm probably not supposed to be. ( I really appreciate @ocrdu creating this card for me, as I've been waiting for WEEKS for my 'Official Reporters Card' from The Newcastle Online Reporting School Of Pretty Good Journalism -Apollo Beach, FL. They have not been returning my calls, it seems they have moved to a new address.)




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