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What is it?

Aid Venezuela is born as a space in charge of attending specific cases of humanitarian aid to institutions of health, popular sectors of low resources or particular people that by means of the previous link with a foundation, project or community in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and after the monitoring of its case allows to make him arrive an aid with the purpose of cushioning a little the damage to the life that suffer the citizens in this country.


Aid Venezuela is an independent organization that through crypto funding and international cooperation seeks to work to support people in Venezuela who motivated by the economic, political and social crisis are living situations of high risk in terms of nutrition, medical or basic inputs to survive. Through this project we seek to create links with various foundations, projects and communities nationwide to enable humanitarian aid in the form of crypto coins to reach the most vulnerable sectors of society. Our work policy seeks an improvement in the quality of life of as many Venezuelans as possible, consolidating us as a serious, transparent and solid organization, that through alliances with these foundations/projects/US we can expand its management in order to give greater coverage to cases that may arise and support them responsibly in the regions in which they intervene.


To be recognized as an organization in charge of transparently managing the resources that may enter our nation in the form of crypto currencies, capable of interacting and executing the necessary actions for the benefit of humanitarian aid projects in the country in the face of the serious humanitarian crisis that we are going through.


To maintain efficiency based on teamwork in order to be resilient in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, being also an organization capable of generating links that allow a full development of humanitarian work.


General Objective:

To provide support to people and institutions in Venezuela that, due to the humanitarian crisis, do not have the necessary resources to attend to the real time situations of cases of nutrition, health and basic inputs.
Create links between crypto donors and Venezuelan foundations/projects/communities that allow the sustainability of humanitarian aid activities.



  1. A national foundation/community/project presents the case to @aid.venezuela
  2. The case is read and debated by @aid.venezuela.
  3. If accepted: The material evidence is verified and as detailed a report as possible is made.
  4. We proceed to publish the case.
  5. @aid.venezuela receives donations in the form of: votes or direct transfers in STEEM/SBD to the account.
  6. A period is established between the beginning of the publication and the day in which the activity will take place.
  7. The change from STEEM/SBD/STEMPOWER to Sovereign Bolivars (local currency/national money) is made through the exchange houses that work in our country.
  8. We proceed to make the purchase of inputs.
  9. A joint visit is made on the day of the activity and it is monitored that the work is being done correctly.
  10. A post is made with the proofs of the culmination of the activity demonstrating:
  • Amount of STEEM/SBD used
  • Amount in Bolivars at exchange
  • Products purchased
  • Invoices of the same
  • Proof in photo and video format of the activity.
    11.Proceed to point number 1 and repeat the cycle.



What is humanitarian aid?

Events such as political conflicts, droughts, floods, earthquakes, shortages, economic and social problems, often lead to humanitarian crises in different parts of the world. Humanitarian aid consists of helping the victims of such crises when such situations arise. In this case, human and material resources are sought to meet the needs of food, health and basic inputs in the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

What role would you play as a user in providing help to you?

To save lives in the face of the diverse emergency situations that arise in the country.
Provide assistance in the face of economic deficits and population shortages.
Finance aid to allow the purchase of inputs.

Who is responsible for this project?

@zaxan is the person in charge of carrying out this work, he has more than a year in the platform serving as a multifaceted artist, founder of the project / Hispanic community @elarca, as well as serving as a freelance designer for various communities that have requested his service. They can contact you directly by discord: “Zaxan [elarca]#9956”

How can I keep track of your work?

Following the @aid.venezuela account you will receive the publications in your feed or any platform within the blockchain you use to publish.

How will you change from cryptocurrency to Bolivares?

By using an exchange service is possible to make changes to our local currency. We currently have a couple of them like @orinoco, @redvzlaexchange, who offer the best rates updated according to the current dollar price in our country.

If I want to make a donation, what cryptocurrency you receive?

To make the process as transparent as possible we use the blockchain of steem as a base, so we are only accepting SBD/STEEM in case you want to donate.

How can I help?
Can I give you a percentage of my publications?

Yes, if you are a user you can use the "add beneficiary" function and donate a percentage of your rewards to our @aid.venezuela account, they arrive automatically when your publication fulfills the payout period.

Do you have a discord server?

Yes, humanitarian work is done by our Steem account and also you can go to discord using this invitation link:

What guarantees that the help will reach its destination?

As we explained in the workflow, this organization keeps in touch with the various foundations we support. In this way, the monitoring of these activities will be constant and we will offer a balance of the situation including photos, videos, invoices and other documents necessary for this purpose.


We invite the entire Steem community to support this initiative and give their support to this small project. We would also like to thank the different people who in advance have given their support to make this possible:

@r2cornell: donating 50 STEEM and 50 SBI Shares.
@scilwa: donating 100 SBI Shares.
@nomad-magus: donating 10 STEEM.
dunstuff: donating the creation of the account.

We hope you will support us and give a little hope to the Venezuelan people.

Latest post:

Venezuela in the dark | The crisis is becoming more and more acute
Venezuela | About the last days and a new project for Humanitarian Aid

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