Seven Day Black & White Challenge — Curator Cat — Day 5

Coming into the home stretch here: I was nominated by @kid4life to take part in the popular "Seven Day Black & White Photo Challenge.

Having fun with both some old photos and new photos for this one.

Here's my image for Day 5: 

Original image by CuratorCat

The Basic Rules of the Challenge:

► Take 7 black-and-white photos that represent some aspect of your life.
► Present a new image each day for 7 days (preferably consecutive).
► No people in the photos.
► No explanations.
► Use #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your tags. 
► Nominate someone new every day, although anyone can join in at any time. 

Other Stuff:

For my 5th nomination I choose... YOU! I'm still pretty new, so I have more or less run out of friends who aren't already DOING — or just have done — this challenge. However, anyone can participate, so join in just if you feel like it!

Also, remember to have FUN with the challenge and use it as an opportunity to interact and engage with others who are doing the challenge! Just click on the  #sevendaybnwchallenge tag to get a whole list of other participants' posts!

Now... I invite everyone to have a beautiful day — I'm off to read a bit more about how to build a following for Steemit "the old fashioned way."


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