8 Benefits Of Having a Dog

Happy Monday, my dear friends!

Having a dog is a big responsibility and there's a lot of work involved. If you haven't read my dog's story, you can check it here. Despite all the work it takes, I can say that is totally worth it, in my opinion. I was going to name this "8 benefits of having a pet" but some of the points are only relatable to dogs. I do love all the other pets, though.

Please find below 8 benefits of having a dog, taken from my own experience.

Mel, my dog, being a happy pup

1 - It Teaches You To Be Responsible

If you don't have children, having a dog is a good 'training' on how to be a parent. If you're the only caretaker of your pet, you have a little creature that's totally dependent on you. Isn't it a lot of responsibility? If you had a Tamagotchi in the past, having a dog is the next step! Haha, just kidding.

I'm not only talking about feeding, I'm also talking about walking, picking up the poop, going to the vet when necessary, creating routines and boundaries. It teaches you how to care about something else, to look after their health and happiness. It's a very special lesson, in my opinion.

2 - It's a Motivation To Go Outside More Often

I live in a flat without a balcony or any garden. I walk my dog 3 times a day, with the third time being a quick pee break. I'm a very indoors person. If it wasn't for my dog, I wouldn't leave the house for a whole week (I work from home). I would probably rot in my office chair and live like a cave(wo)man.

I learnt to enjoy walking outside, sipping on a coffee and listening to some music. It's nice and relaxing. It makes me healthier and happier! My dog loves it, so it's a win-win.

3 - It's a Reason To Socialise More

I'm an introvert and some social situations make me anxious and tired. I don't like socialising with people I don't know. Since I have a dog, I've been socialising with more people that have or like dogs. I feel like I have a subject to talk about or I can just watch my dog playing with other dogs.

I've met and talked to people I would never have done if it wasn't for her. I've built a friendship with my neighbours, as they have a dog too. I think this is awesome and incredibly important.

Mel, in her throne.

4 - You Don't Need a Doorbell

I don't need a doorbell anymore. When someone shows up at the door, Mel makes sure I know there's someone there. She's very proud of herself as she thinks she's doing a good doorbell job as well as protecting the house. I admit that sometimes it's not pleasant, especially if I'm having a work call. I think her protective instinct is sweet, though, and it makes me feel safer at night.

5 - You Don't Need a Paper Shredder

If you want to destroy any letter or paper documents, just give it to your dog. Mel is the perfect paper shredder. I trained her to destroy paper when I give it to her, but she won't destroy it if it's just laying around. Unless I'm not around and it's laying there for a long time, tempting her... Come on, she can't help it. :)

6 - You Have a Best Friend That Will Never Leave Your Side

There's such a special companionship that builds up between dog and owner. Your dog will love you like no one else does, she will never leave your side no matter what. If you're having a good or a bad day, they will just be happy to be around you.
They'll be up for anything, as long as they're included in it! If you have a dog, you have a best friend that will cheer you up and make you laugh. You learn about unconditional love and friendship. Well, I did :)

7 - You Have The Best Welcoming's

Going back home to my dog is one of the best and happiest things. It always puts a smile on my face. :)

8 - Makes You a Happier Person

I feel like a happier person, since I have my dog, for the reasons described.

Do you have a dog or a pet? What are the benefits of having them, in your opinion? Let's talk about it :)

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