ANNIVERSARY - 1 Year on the Blockchain - Witness preparation started

I cannot believe it has been 1 year since my first Steemit login and my first interaction with the STEEM blockchain.

I roughly knew I joined in March 2017, but it was thanks to the @anniversary account, who notified me of the exact date and sent me a comment with this cool picture. šŸ˜€

To tell the truth, although I joined in March 2017 it took me until May to make my first post. I came here initially purely to invest in STEEM and I had no real intention to start my own blog.

I started buying various crypto coins in autumn 2016, and in mid-March, I was introduced to STEEM. The timing couldn't have been much better as I managed to pick up my first STEEM around $0.20. :) In hindsight, I should have bought more... Like those bitcoins at $50 each. haha

I do not remember exactly what happened in May. I must have read some nice posts that inspired me. But I remember thinking, if they can do it, so can I. :) And man Iā€™m happy I took that step.

Now it is time to become a STEEM Witness

I was slow in the beginning to start my Steemit blog. For some months now I have been interested in the role STEEM Witnesses play and as I have given it some months of consideration (in my own slow pace), and as a celebration of my 1 year anniversary, I have decided to give it a go.

Still have some preparation to be done, but I aim to be up and running within a week or two.

Please stay tuned...


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