I apologize to all entrants for my delay in getting out the voting session for round 2. All entrants from Round #1 were paid immediately upon post payout of round 1 voting. I've been busy with many things on and off site. Which I will explain in another post, soon.
There were two First Place Winners of round 1 of this contest. @creativesoul(shown left), and @juliakponsford are two of my oldest friends on steemit, as well as amazing artists. What they came up with was quite incredible, and the voters agreed. Their entries were only one vote different from each-other, and I couldn't do anything but give them both 1st place.
Honorable mentions in the order which they appear in the comments section from Round #1 (all of whom received a tip of at least 1sbd):

I really appreciate all of the artists out there who I know worked very hard on these designs. Thank you so much for participating. This is quite amazing, and I'm grateful to not have to use generic logos for my steemit related posts. It's always difficult to figure out which designs are available for public use when I find them on the web (however since steeminc reserves the rights to the steem logo, arguably all of the logos are owned by them. Hopefully in their re-branding they will leave the "steem-waves" for the community to play around with in appropriate legal terms)
Aaaaaanyways. Lets get on with voting for Round #2 so I can pay the deserving entrants.
I will place the Round #2 entries in the comments section of this post. Hopefully anyone who has posted their entry in their own blog will also have placed it in the comments section of the last post, or I may not remember that they messaged me with a link. If that's the case, or you have a late entry, please enter it in the comments section before post payout to get your "tip".
You may vote on more than one entry. Place your vote by upvoting the images in the comments you like best!