Your wish is my command! [Chaos Magick 101! How to create a sigil]

Many people believe that magick is the same that you see in the theatres, or in books like Harry Potter; however, magick is none of these things. Magick in its most basic of forms is a way of programming your reality using the help of coincidence.

A sigil is one of the most basic forms of consciously working to change your reality's metadata. Sigils are focused thoughts turned into a form of art.


skill in a particular craft.
"pieces of jewelry which testify to the high artisanship of these ancient people"

A sigil begins with an intention. One must keep in mind to be extremely clear with their intention, the old adage comes to mind...

"Be careful what you wish for..."

And it is so true.

I personally use a white board when creating my drawn sigils as it is easier to erase and start over. Write your intention clearly. Often, when first beginning to write intentions for sigils it is best to write it down and then mull it over to see if you can be any more clear. Asking for rain and getting a flood are synonymous in the realm of magick.

As of the recent news of having my car stolen, I decided to see if perhaps I could get it back. ;)


The next step is to cut out all of the vowels, sometimes I include "Y" - this time I did not.

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The purpose of this step is to obscure the original message. Your subconscious has been imprinted with the intention as you created the original message, now you are obscuring the message from the conscious mind.

Next, gather all of the consonants, writing each one only once.

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From here you begin to mix the letters around placing them on top of each other in different patterns, like so:

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Next, use this design as a base to create more abstracted versions of the image. Mine sometimes turn out quite abstract, and that is quite fine; nor does your art have to be pristine.

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This final step is something that I do as an added step that is not quite necessary and not every magi practices this method. I add the chosen sigil design to the center of a customized seal. I am simply giving form to the idea, "boosting" it's capacity to complete its assigned task.

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To give a basic understanding of the double square that I chose, I have attached the following image:

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The square represents the physical body of man and is a masculine symbol, the diamond represents the mental level of man and is a feminine symbol.

In each corner of the square I have placed the Hebrew letter "Vav" with a numerical value of "6".

  • 6+6+6+6=24=2+4=6


As carbon based lifeforms, 6 represents man(life).

Once you have finished these steps, you are ready to cast your sigil!

Be sure to follow me to catch the next installment on how to cast your personal sigil!


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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