THE ROBOTS FROM STEEMD.COM - PART II - wood burning( photos+video)

As promised in my last post THE ROBOTS FROM STEEMD.COM I made a sequel.

This time I included everyone that left me a nice message on the last post and wasn't part of that pyrography project. Here is the list:

cryptoiskey - thank you for telling me about robohash; I was able to get quality photos

stellabelle - thank you for promoting my post; I really appreciate it

rainman - grateful for the history of where the robots came from; if you missed it:

'they were first used in Bitshares as a visual verification of the account name you wanted to make a transfer to. As you may have noticed, the robots look very different if you make a typo in the name[...]The idea was that you would start to recognize the robots of users that you made transfers to, so if you made a typo you would notice right away. '

All the lovely people that enjoyed this form of art

ben99 meesterboom winstonwolfe acidyo thebluepanda atomrigs

acassity owdy verelst benjiberigan pixielolz dking7334 ajvest

denisoi - who owns and is planning to translate useful information for the romanian comunity

razvanelulmarin - who found out late about the project but was happy to be a part of it; secret sources tell me that the pink color of his robot doesn't bother him

And here we are all together. I included dan and ned, because without them steemit would not have been possible. Thank you!

This time I used 37 x 24 cm reclaimed wood. I printed the design, darkened the back with a softer pencil and transferred the design onto the wood. I made some adjustment and added a web of lines to show the connections that can be formed here on steemit. After the wood burning part was done I used colored pencils.

Midway of the pyrography process

And here they are finally.

Warning! The robots from your steemd profile might not match you :)

I hope you enjoyed this post. Do you want me to wood burn your steemd robot? If so leave a comment below.

Thank you all for reading / watching!

Here is the video of the whole process 7x the speed.

Feel free to check my other pyrography projects or 3d pen art.


EDIT Take a look at @phoenixmaid new post;she used my robot to make the crochet piece. This is the one time I leave my house for the weekend and something amazing happens.I will be back in 1 day. Until then I am limited to my phone. THANK YOU GUYS! You can follow me here



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