For lost people who enjoy yellow moons

This is my entry for the contest ART EXPLOSION WEEK 25: Theme INSPIRED BY A BOOK

For my art I chose the book Moon Palace by Paul Auster because it was one of the first books that made me fall in love with the literature and also, this was an opportunity to make Marco's character a bit more real.

Here's a brief summary without spoilers

Marco is a guy who is constantly looking for an identity, for his roots: his father is missing and his mother died when he was too young to even ask her for him. The book – from my view – is the rush of been alone in the world.

“The room was a machine that measured my condition: how much of me remained, how much of me was no longer there. I was both perpetrator and witness, both actor and audience in a theater of one. I could follow the progress of my own dismemberment. Piece by piece, I could watch myself dissapear.”

The part that inspired me to do this picture is when Marco loses all his things and starts to walk nowhere, just thinking, not worrying about the destiny.

Untill he finally stops on the the edge of a cliff and stares at the moon until it’s gone.

“Every man is the author of his own life.”


All these days I've been looking for a moon and a sunset to photograph, just like he was looking for something that may have been never exist.

For some reason I missed every sunset and every moon falling down.

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