I'm SOOOOO excited to collaborate.
Collaboration: @everlove and Michelle Maggied
I've done quite a bit of collaboration in my time,
and I'm stoked to again have artists at my fingertips here on Steemit
who are delighted to co-create some masterpieces.
I think collaboration adds another layer of intrigue to the already expanded vastness that is creation. I believe, as an artist, you must lay some things on the line to collaborate. Many of us are used to expressing ourselves alone, so stepping over into the realms of creation with others is a different ball game all together.
You have to have confidence, or wild abandon.
Empowerment with humility.
The ability to let go.
This style of drawing can be called a zentangle.
I never knew it had a name,
but several people have told me that
they also like creating these free form beauties.
Collaboration: @everlove and @michaelmcdermot
I met @michaelmcdermott
on my travels through the U.S. east coast.
He was working on a piece and I jumped right in.
People who love doing this generally take
every opportunity offered up to do it.
I hadn't really known anyone before
who was crazy about zentangles as I was.
Michael and I sat at the table for hours
passing two papers back and forth,
each of us with ink pen in hand,
together in silent meditation.
The photo above is one of my
favorite collaboration pieces we've done together.
Collaboration: @everlove, @michaelmcdermott, Moira Gil
Then as we traveled together, we met another new friend,
and she loved to do it too.
So we three did the above piece together.
All those tiny details are extremely intriguing. I believe it takes someone who pays serious attention to details to be a creator of this type of art. The creative sparks needs to be ignited with every stroke of the pen to come up with new patterns and ways of filling space, negatively and positively. As we immerse ourselves and find the place of zen, it's incredibly easy to fall into timelessness and get enveloped for hours.
Zentangles, by definition, are generally in black and white. But I'm not one for rules.
I also love color, so I play with colored markers too. I've involved my friend @saramiller, who is just as crazy about these designs as I am. We each have a style of our own--mine is more flowing, curvy and circular, Sara's is more geometric and mandala-like. I think that makes for a great combination.
Collaboration: @everlove and @saramiller
@saramiller and I collaborate a LOT in life. Our EVERyday existence revolves around the awesome life we are creating in community at the @gardenofedn. Community is actually my recent catalyst for collaboration. From my experience, it's one and the same. Thank god for @saramiller!
Collaboration: @everlove and @saramiller
Sometimes the most difficult part of doing a piece is knowing when to stop. When every little space has potential, it's easy to get lost in the vastness of it all. Oh oh oh---I just want to add one more little thing!
I also really love doing henna.
It can be like doing zentangles on bodies,
with a bit less detail because of the size of the applicator.
I've already come across several artists on Steemit who play with this type of design. I wish I had taken better notes on who those artists are. Perhaps you can help them find me. If you know of someone, please send them my way.
These are three Steemit artists worth checking out:
@michaelmcdermott, a master at his craft. He's all serious about this stuff--does it on doors and walls in small and big scale design!
@Hitheryon does an amazing over-the-top job with their all mighty pens. They are 4 guys in perpetual motion doing architecture. I watch them and seriously just want to play.
@anca3drandom makes Steemit art with zentangle attributes. Keeping it real with Steemit!
I've been hosting several collaborative art posts designed to bring the Steemit artist community together, and
am simultaneously raising funds to get myself to Steemfest.
I will be leaving on Sunday, my birthday, for Amsterdam!!!!!
If you'd like to play with art, build community and help me get to Steemfest:
I would like to offer up this zentangle design
(and likely more to come)
to be used as a base for a collaborative piece.

Print the image and give it your personal, detailed touch, zentangle-style.
Then make a post about it,
sharing your process and anything about it that inspires you.
(This step is optional--don't let making a post keep you from doing the art. If you DO want to make a post and donate the proceeds toward my trip to SteemFest, I would be so EVER grateful. The long-term goal here though is to build a strong artist community, so even posting your image below will be a means to that end.)
Tag your post with
#art and #collaborativeartjourney.
Copy the link from your post into a comment below. (If do make a post, I'll probably love you even more...but I'll still love you even if you only post your new collaboration in the comments below without making a post about it.)
Also, if you see a comment with a collaborative picture you want to add to, just begin at step 2 again with that new piece. We can have lots of version all beginning with the same design, but with many different outcomes.
I will make a post featuring all the collaborations
and highlighting all the different pieces inspired by the same original art.
Since I'm presently using this as a fundraiser,
I would be so EVER grateful for your donating
the proceeds from any posts made on these
collaborations to my wallet
for my SteemFest journey.
Deadline for this submission is Thursday, November 10th at Midnight CST.