What would happen if the sun went out suddenly and forever?

This is an incredible thing? but imagine that the sun was going to disappear like a lamp that is extinguished, what would happen next on Earth?

First of all in the first eight minutes after its extinction, we would be in total ignorance of the event. Indeed, eight minutes and 19 seconds is the time it takes for the light to travel from the sun to the Earth.

(Time of perception of light:
Distance from the sun to the earth: 1 AU (Astronomical Unit) = 149,597,870,700 meters
Speed ​​of light: c = 299 792 458 m / s
Time of light: 1 AU / c = 499 seconds = 8.3 minutes; 8 minutes and 19 seconds.)

Then we would plunge brutally into the night. Frightening feeling, amazing.

Only the lights of the many distant stars would enlighten us, a darker night, without the stars of our solar system because they also deprived of the same light.

Sunless days and moonless nights!

However this black would be only the first sign of a series of catastrophes.

A few hours later, due to the thermal shock (extremely cold in the upper atmosphere, hot in the low), devastating storms would be triggered everywhere on the surface of the globe, with many thunderstorms and winds at more than 500 km / h causing incredible swamps.

For the question of temperature many scientists have to look at the question without real answers because many contradicts and according to the average here is the chronology of the last moments of life on Earth:

24 hours without sun:

In the morning the sun disappears and it is 25 ° C. Arriving at night, the street lights come on.
Around midnight it is 10 ° C.
Humanity is in shock.

The next day :

Black day, it is 10 degrees. (day and night is meaningless, temperature is falling)
After 24 hours of night we can begin to interoperate.
Without response to the problem, governments call for calm, but the opposite is true.
In a few hours, our dying planet would sink into total chaos: violence, rapes, orgies of alcohol and drugs, looting of energy sources and heating, collective suicides ...

Two days later :

it is 0 ° C.
We rush into the shops to loot warm clothes and food. It is likely that no one went to work. People start going out to collect firewood and siphon gasoline.

Four days later:

it is -10 ° C.
Those who stay out too long are dead.
In homes, it is hoped that the boiler will still work. Otherwise you have to heat the wood or burn gasoline.
This is the time to fetch wood outside and loot the stores from the rest of their food, to fill its reserves, because soon it will not be possible. (think of the warehouse)

Seven days later:

It is -20 ° C.
Street lamps have difficulty operating, Some lamps including dynamo can still work.
It is also still possible to drive.
Certain territory of the globe will have great difficulties, especially those on the Earth's equator, since they have never experienced a great cold.
Possible exodus of millions of people to the big cities to find solace and hope, alas to sack looting.

Two weeks later:

It is -30 ° C.
Go outside starts to become dangerous.
Streetlights can not work anymore, it's total night.
It is lit by the candle, or with flashlights if the batteries are still operating at this temperature.
Those who no longer have efficient boilers and who can not cover themselves indoors may die. There is interest in having a fireplace and a good supply of wood.
Even when squeezing in front of a fireplace, it was very cold. You have to build your house in ovens and live in it, otherwise you're dead.

The elements of nature will not reassure us first of all the clouds will disappear, the cloud is created indirectly through the sun so the hot and cold air mass (more wind).
Then the streams that will freeze, which will feed less the rivers, then the rivers that will lose can of their flow that will eventually freeze in turn.

And after 1 month without sun:

It is -50 ° C.
The coasts, seas and oceans will also quickly freeze.
The vast majority of humanity will have disappeared, especially the weakest and the least well prepared.
On the other hand, we can think that the people with the coldest lands such as Scandinavia, Canada and other one better to withstand the brutal temperature changes (it is a little their daily).
As the freezing waters the dams will stop working and so there will be very big power supply problems.
Difficulty obtaining supplies of drinking water.

after 3 months without sun:

It is -70 ° C.
The majority of the globe will freeze.
It will not be the joy, such a long absence of sun has an impact on our metabolism as the disruption of our biological clock and serious drop in our morale because Serotonin a hormone that is synthesized directly through the light of the sun is no longer stimulated.
No more photo syntheses, plants dies nothing will grow the soil will become sterile any agriculture that we have known will have disappeared.
Same for the most by animals.
Electricity will be very difficult to route all the solar panels will obviously not work anymore as well as wind turbines that no longer runs without wind.
On the other hand, it will be possible to count on power stations and coals provided that they withstand such extreme temperatures.

What solution to this problem?

For humanity nothing will go well, the only chance of survival is by sinking under the surface of the earth.
The temperature rises by 3 ° C every 100 meters. A thousand meters underground it would be hot enough to live normally.
Geothermal turbines could make electricity and produce energy to grow plants that produce oxygen.
However building such a device may be long, given the limited time available.

After 6 months:

it is less than -140 ° C.
to go outside without a spacesuit is death in a few seconds your body freeze.
Many people are dead. Survivors are those who live in depth with energy reserves.

Life on Earth has disappeared.

Our planet is nothing more than an ice sanctuary in the darkness of the universe.

The Earth will take on the appearance of a well-known little dwarf which is pluton with temperatures around -230 degrees.

In any case one can imagine an underground life. But for how long ? The magma will not stay warm forever ... ..

Here is a hypothesis that is cold in the back but do not worry about the sun and a ball of plasma. Its lifespan has been estimated to be at least 5 billion years old, not sure that today's humanity will stand so long with all the abominations we inflict on ourselves!


The artist-zen

(source youtube dtube wiki web)

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