I have always thought of myself as a creative person. Homemade crafts are always the absolute best. In my early teens I started making crafts for fun and to give as gifts. I either look up tutorials or go in blind and hope for the best. Although 9 out of 10 times, the best isn't what I get but that doesn't ever stop me from trying! I have always wanted to attend one of those Paint Nites, they always look like a lot of fun and the pictures that everyone paints end up looking so good. Living on a budget, $40+ isn't very easy to drop on a Paint Nite so my mom and I decided we will one day try a Paint Nite at home. I just went to visit her recently and we figured it was now or never. My sister also decided to join us which was really awesome.

We went to my nieces soccer game and when we were done we drove to Walmart so that we could buy what we needed for our wine night with a side of paint. First we had to decide on a picture we liked, so we sat in the parking lot looking up paint nite for beginners. After about 30 minutes we find one with a skull that looked fairly easy. After all, it did say beginners in the title and the internet doesn't lie, right? We wanted to make it as cost friendly as we possibly could so we bought primary colors and figured we would mix what we needed as we went along. In the end, we spent no more than $15 for three people to paint. That included the canvas, brushes and paint.
We had never done anything like this before so the laughter started as soon as we began the outline on the skull. There was a lot of erasing and starting over happening at this point. This adventure started out as us watching a tutorial on Youtube but it was horrible for trying to follow along with so we took a screenshot of the picture instead. From there we went in blind and held on to complete faith in one another. "We all have a different face in real life, why would you think our skulls on this picture would look the same?", my mom says as we struggle to draw this outline. We were really hoping that the glass of wine would help get the creativity juices flowing, it did help us laugh a little harder.
By this point in the picture we had already been painting for almost three hours. I don't think that is a normal amount of time even for beginners but seriously, we didn't stop laughing for one second. After all, spending time with one another and having fun was the point of wine night with a side of paint anyway. We were finally at the hardest part that we knew would cause trouble and that was the roses. Again though, the title did say paint nite for beginners so it was whatever. I ended up working on the skulls face and becoming so frustrated with the roses that I stopped painting and took a 30 minute break. I came back, painted over my roses and started again. They never did end up looking much like roses. In fact, my sister said that parts of my roses looked like a blurry picture of vaginas. For my very first time painting a picture on a canvas, I was happy with my end results.
This next photo is the final product of my moms picture. We laughed and said that her skull looked like he still had skin that was melting off his face. We also said her roses looked like a mix of a bubble and a pumpkin.

My favorite picture was my sisters. She made jokes about her own picture and said that he looked like a creepy guy peeking out from his rose bush. I said he looked like a cute little skull and alien mix breed.

This next picture is what our skull and roses were supposed to look like. We had so much fun though and it really reminded me just how important it is to spend time with family. I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed as hard as we did on wine night with a side of paint.

Laughter will forever be the best medicine.

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