"Psilokylos" | Gallery: Fine Art

This is one of the very few pieces in which I used multiple layers to get an effect.
Look carefully and you'll see that there are 'petals' going round and round, like a daisy. It's easy to notice this in the center, where it became difficult to hide the hard lines. I ended up liking the effect they gave though, so I left them there =)

Looking at it now, I think it's high time I try something new using the same technique...


Gallery: Fine Art
Max. Print Size: 40" x 40"

Psilokylos-Art by Jody V. Lawrence_aka_Mandelsage_fineart

There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible.
We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope.
We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.
We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely;
but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.

-- Mark Twain

Our days are a kaleidoscope.
Every instant a change takes place in the contents.
New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. Nothing ever happens twice alike.
The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects.
The most tranquil house, with the most serene inhabitants, living upon the utmost regularity of system, is yet exemplifying infinite diversities.

-- Henry Ward Beecher

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3 Artists Worth Your Follow! | Raízul - Gallery: Designs | "Sleepless Dream" - Poems, 004
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