Burnt Hotdog and the Three Color Game

Burnt Hotdog
"Burnt Hotdog"

Produced on 07/02/2015
Higher quality and print to canvas versions available upon request.

The Three Color Game

It's probably nothing new. You simply give me three colors you'd like to see. I simply speed art my ass off and push digital paint around. You simply browse around Steemit, have a good read or two, check your replies. Something will be waiting for you under your three color request comment.

To speed things up, I will not stamp them with my contact information. Higher quality also takes time to process and will be made available upon request. Each piece will be one of a kind, based on your colors, as well as vibes you put out. Yup, I just said that. You can then name your new pet.

Burnt Hotdog came as a result of the last victim contestant's request. Yes, it has been awhile. People have stopped speaking to me for some strange reason. I'm sure it's their fault.

Four colors is fine. Five and my brain might fizzle pop.

Have fun and always practice safe art.

I'll be sitting here waiting, unfortunately. Yup, here's my Sunday night.

Good times...

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