My latest creation is a bit odd..for me.

I don't do a lot of photo manipulation, mostly because I feel that photography in and of itself is an art form and I would feel like I was stepping on the photographer's proverbial toes by messing with their work. But every once in a while I use public domain images as a way to test out ideas or push the boundaries of my Photoshop abilities. Sometimes it's just an exercise to keep things fresh. This is one of those experimental pieces. The original is a public domain photo I found on

The differences may seem subtle, but sometimes a simple change of color and contrast can completely change the entire mood and flow of an image.

This is the original:


And this is my finished manipulation. It doesn't look like there is very much difference, but it is more than it looks.
Long Night-Longer Eternity goth art low res.jpg

I don't like to use filters, instead I prefer to desaturate an image and then digitally color it using individual layers of color. In this case, a single layer of deep lavender in varying transparencies, followed by a faded layer using bokeh brushes for sparkle effect.

The finished piece will be available as prints in my shop in sizes up to 24x36 inches.

I welcome comments, dialogue, and constructive criticism.

Until next time,

Be nice to each other♥


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