Sir Geoffrey Bananington, PhD
Professor of Comparative Fruit, Literature and Interspecies Negotiation at Bruisington University
In my position as an esteemed professor and Editorials Editor of this blog, I feel it is incumbent upon me to bring a heinous situation to the public's attention. Observe the photos below:

That's right -- outrageous examples of blatant fruit segregation!!
This is seen in grocery stores and markets all over the world -- fruits segregated by their genus and species, kept separated from others of the Fruit Family until taken home and put in the family fruitbowl.
This cruel practice of keeping fruits from even touching other fruits can lead to sadness, depression and, sometimes, premature rotting.
This particular photo is heart-breaking in its depiction of fruit imprisoned in little plastic containers and then chilled.

But I'm not done
Just look at these photos of the VEGETABLES in the same produce section:

Yes. These vegetables are touching each other.
There is no justification for this practice of permitting vegetables to touch and co-mingle, while fruit is treated so horrendously!
Even further, let's take a look at the "leafy greens and herbs" section --

Not only are these greens placed side-by-side for gentle co-mingling, some are reaching up, over and down into their neighbors' spaces, willy-nilly.
It's obvious that not only is fruit segregation happening, but the ugliness of discrimination is occurring as well. When one group is treated differently than another group, it is bad news.
If vegetables are permitted to touch and co-mingle, then fruit should be released from all cruel, isolating boxes and bins, free to cavort!
We, The Banana Collective, call for each and every one of you to discuss this egregious situation with the Produce Manager at your local market.
Put an end to Fruit Segregation and Discrimination!
Especially for bananas!
Especially for bananas!
We will unite, and we will win!
(Note: The 3rd photo shows a bin of plantains, the evil banana imposters. They, in actuality, should be segregated. I will write in future posts about this horrible species. ~ Sir Geoffrey Bananington, PhD)

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