Catnana may just well be the perfect combination of a household pet and a tasty snack.

There is none of this:
litterbox scooping
doors to open and shut, open and shut, open and shut
caterwauling in the middle of the night
purposely jumping on the bed and walking on you whenever the CAT thinks it's time to get up for breakfast
leaving hair samples on your black clothes (on purpose)
scratching your new couch, dragging on the drapes, shredding the armchair... all while ignoring the new Super Deluxe Whatever you just bought for the cat to scratch on
messy food and water bowls
"gifts" deposited at your front door for your "dinner," some still squirming in the agony of death throes
winding in and around your legs, tripping you, as you walk past the Treat Cupboard. Every time.

- hanging on the window screen to be let into the house. (We're on the 3rd screen replacement.)
Have we missed anything?

This perfectly quiet, unobtrusive Catnana is the latest creation of The Banana Collective, and is available in jungles or supermarkets near you.
Happy Caturday, everyone! =..=

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