I'm Truther Red Peel, here to shine light on weird things happening on Earth.
And I'm mainly going to be focusing on weird things happening to humans, as bananas pretty much already have our shit together.
And to answer your unasked question: Yes, it's an alias. "Truther Red Peel" is not my real name. But I gotta watch my back, you know? Lot of nefarious players out there trying to keep us Truthers from speaking out and exposing them.
Okay. Get ready, because in this article, I'm gonna drop some Truth Nuggets ("TN" or "Nuggets") on you. Truth Nuggets are sort of like the red peel that Morpheus gave to Neo in the Matrix movie; once you've been "red peeled," you've been shown the truth and there's no going back.
So, dear humans:
Have you ever asked yourself why there are THIRTEEN full moons in a year, but only TWELVE months?
Wouldn't it be more natural for the calendar to follow the cycles of the moon, meaning that the calendar would have 13 months?
Truth Nugget: The full moon comes around every 28 days. 28 x 13 = 364 days, plus 1 extra day a year. The ancient Mayans (yes, those Mayans, with their famous 2012 calendar) referred to this extra day as the "Day Out of Time." They saw this as a day of rest and peaceful reflection before the next year started.
So. The answer to the question of wouldn't a 13-month calendar be more natural, is: Yes!
It would be more natural for the calendar to follow the cycles of the moon, resulting in a 13-month calendar. All species of bananas have used this natural calendar down through millennia, and it's worked fine for us. The same is true for most (if not all) indigenous populations, who live their lives more in tune with the natural rhythms of Nature.
So, WHY do humans use the 12-month Gregorian calendar?
Truth Nugget: Because Pope Gregory XIII said to. This was in 1582. Mainly to make sure that everyone was celebrating Easter at the same time as the Roman Catholic church.
The motivation for the reform was to stop the drift of the calendar with respect to the equinoxes and solstices—particularly the northern vernal equinox, which helps set the date for Easter. source:Wikipedia
For a whole lot of background on how the Gregorian calendar came to be used in most countries world-wide, plus the massive confusion around this, plus the resistance of non-Catholic countries to this change, you can read more here.
Pope Gregory wasn't the first to mess with time-keeping though; there were other calendars before the Gregorian, notably the Julian calendar (instituted by another dead guy, Julius Caesar, in 45 BC)... all which dragged humans away from what is known to be the natural, seasonal cycles, often referred to as the Tropical Year or the Solar Year.
I'm here to tell ya, this is a lo-o-onng rabbit hole to go down. I'm not saying that the Dark Powers put the human world on a fake calendar in order to control you all... Well, actually, that IS what I'm saying.
The question to ask yourself is: Who do you really want to follow here? Some guy making up an artificial method for tracking "time," or the Natural Order of the Universe?
You can do your own research and spiral deep into this rabbit hole, investigating and considering the Day Out of Time -- celebrated the world over on July 25th as "Planetary Peace Day", the Mayan calendar, the 13 Moon Calendar Movement, and just plain old resistance to some centuries-old dead guy telling everyone what to do.
Welcome to the Red Peel Club!

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