In honor of Steemit's 2nd birthday (my, how time flies!), I have been hard at work in my laboratory creating a new, improved, enriched, super-banana.
Ready for the Big Reveal?
Announcing... the STEEMNANA
This banana will be mightier than any banana before it!
Bigger! Stronger! Curvier! Yellower!
And with a little more potassium than your average Musa acuminata.
Here are some photos of the surgical procedures, taken by my assistant, Peelgore:
The delicate procedure of gene splicing requires the focus of a laser
(which, of course, I possess)
Convalescing through the long and arduous recuperation process
Embedding the genetic code for the appearance of the Steemit symbol

New logo fully embedded

can multi-task like there's no tomorrow --
blogging while shooting a video while upvoting while trading crypto like a wizard.
This is a fully edible (delicious, actually) entry on the banana market. I have, of course, cloned the genetic structure of this super banana, and soon...
bananas everywhere...
will be
THE nutritional choice for snacking while steemin'.
A fun Bunch to hang around with: The Banana Collective
Sir Geoffrey Bananington rants about his arch-enemy, the plantain
Are you serious? Yep, it's Banana BEER
Here are some of our favorite lines from classic Fruitywood films