Dr. Victor Frankenpeel unveils his genetic marvel, The STEEMNANA

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After years -- two, to be precise -- I have perfected the world's first...


In honor of Steemit's 2nd birthday (my, how time flies!), I have been hard at work in my laboratory creating a new, improved, enriched, super-banana.

Ready for the Big Reveal?

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Announcing... the STEEMNANA

This banana will be mightier than any banana before it!

Bigger! Stronger! Curvier! Yellower!

And with a little more potassium than your average Musa acuminata.

Here are some photos of the surgical procedures, taken by my assistant, Peelgore:

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The delicate procedure of gene splicing requires the focus of a laser
(which, of course, I possess)

Convalescing through the long and arduous recuperation process

Embedding the genetic code for the appearance of the Steemit symbol

New logo fully embedded

Now, the Creation is fully healed and ready to take on the world!

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can multi-task like there's no tomorrow --

blogging while shooting a video while upvoting while trading crypto like a wizard.

This is a fully edible (delicious, actually) entry on the banana market. I have, of course, cloned the genetic structure of this super banana, and soon...

bananas everywhere...

will be


THE nutritional choice for snacking while steemin'.

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A fun Bunch to hang around with: The Banana Collective

Sir Geoffrey Bananington rants about his arch-enemy, the plantain

Are you serious? Yep, it's Banana BEER

Here are some of our favorite lines from classic Fruitywood films

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