In the Future MAINSTREAM NEWS not delivered on the BLOCKCHAIN will be considered FAKE NEWS..!!


Last month I wrote a Blog titled: "In the future ALL LIVE Mainstream News Feeds streaming LIVE will be on a BLOCKCHAIN..!!"

For the ones that missed it here it is again.


The title of this Blog is: "In the Future MAINSTREAM NEWS not delivered on the BLOCKCHAIN will be considered FAKE NEWS..!!"

I am sure that there will be quite a few out there that would read this and think that this is just totally crazy to even suggest, but trust me, this will happen.

In the future Live Broadcast of Stream News Feeds will be run digitally through a BLOCKCHAIN for VALIDATION and a MEASURE of ACCURACY..!!

A bit like a LIVE TRUTH MACHINE..!!

Some will think that this is totally unthinkable but the Fundamental Technological Modules are already in place.

With the use of Voice Recognition Software, Quantum Computing and Data Teleportation combined with the sheer power of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY this is not something for the Science Fiction Books but will be REALITY within the next decade..!!

As more and more people begin to challenge the TRUTH it will be BLOCKCHAIN NEWS FEEDS that people will turn to.

In the future FAKE NEWS REPORTING will be something that we will look back on and wonder how Mainstream News got away with it for so long.

Thanks for reading.


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