Analysis of Delegation and Steemit Data Challenge – Steemit Business Intelligence

The ability to delegate Steem power was introduced in HF18 four months ago. Delegation gives you (delegator) the ability to transfer the rewards of Steem power that you own to someone else (delegatee).  However the ownership of that Steem remain with you, the delegator. 

Since inception of delegation 138,698 Steemians have received delegated power from 3053 delegators.  I know in more recent times services have become available to hire Steempower.

At the moment 40,893,978,390.2991 vests are delegated from the owner account to other Steemit accounts.  That’s whopping.

The first thing I did when I had the data modelled was look to see if there were any outliers in terms of the amount of Steem vests delegated or the number of accounts delegated to.

The pink dot on the bottom right represents @ned, with over 7m in vests delegated to very few people.  We can also see Steem is an outlier delegating to 137K accounts.

Let’s now have a look at the top delegators in terms of vesting shares.

The top delegator in terms of vesting shares delegated out is Ned with 7.2M vests delegated.  That’s a lot of power, and did show up as an outlier.   @Steem and @Blocktrades are also delegating a considerable amount of Steem power at a combined value of 7m vests.

Looking at the next chart we can see the accounts that have the most Steem power currently delegated to them

The 6 accounts highlighted in the above chart represents the delegation of Steem made by @Ned on the 8th Aug.

The person in receipt of the most delegated Steem power is @kpine which has all been delegated by @riverhead.  

We saw above in the outlier chart steem delegates to a lot of accounts.  Lets see now how many accounts delegators delegate power too

It is obvious from this that Steem is delegating to the most amount of accounts.  Further investigation has shown that the amount delegated to each account is only very small.

One account that caught my eye here was @warren.buffet .  I wonder is that really him?

The opposite side of this is the accounts in receipt of delegation.

I recognise a few from this list.  Minnowsupport I delegate a small amount of Steem to myself.  There are a few others in there from minnowsupport too, @msp-creativebot, @msplovebot, @msp-shanehug, @muxxybot are all that’s to the efforts of minnowsuooprt and @aggroed.  I have been following these guys for a while and it’s awesome to see they are getting results.  Okay enough of the plug for @minnowsupport.  Let’s get back to the data.

The maroon colour represent the delegator, and it is easy to see how cluster are formed.  The large cluster on the top are delegating to @ubg and @estonia.

What would be very interesting to see would be how the delegated power has been used?

 This would involve looking at the accounts that had delegation and reviewing the voting habits of these accounts during the time of holding the delegated Steem.

Steemit Data Challange

So a shout out to all the members of #BIsteemit.  Here is your first challenge.

  How has delegated power been used? 

 You have 1 week to prepare this analysis, visualisations and post.  The post must have the #BIsteemit tag, and you must also post to the #BIsteemit tag on SteemitBC.

Entries for this competition must be in by Sat 19th Aug and I will announce a winner on Sunday.

The prize, well I have some whaleshare tokens I won.  I can use these to summons a whale vote on content on my choice.

So get analysing. I look forward to reading your entries. pop a comment below if you are in.

Don’t know about the #bisteemit community and tag?

Launch of #BISteemit tag and Community– Providing Valuable Insights Behind the Steemit Data

Just on a side note:

I am also part of Minnowsupport on discord.  They have included me in the "Six of the Best" and I need your vote.  So when you are done voting and commenting on this post ;-) please do pop on over and vote for me in this competition (and if I win…..I get delegated Steem!)


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