Bitcoin is a Flip Phone

fiat desktop calculator.jpg

Fiat is a desktop calculator.

Just look at how sturdy this thing is. Check out those solar cells! This thing powers itself! It's never going to break... until it does. Why would anyone want anything more?

Flip Phone.png

Bitcoin is a flip phone

It's done things that no desktop calculator has ever done before, but it leaves us wanting more. It's cool, but wouldn't it be nice if some improvements could be made?

flip phone.jpg

Privacy coins are burner phones.

Want to hide your activity? Burner phones are the phones for you. You've paid with cash, so the link back to your identity is very thin. Privacy is important.


Steem is a Blackberry.

Is it a flip phone? Is it a smartphone? No! It's the sad hybrid of the two. Steem's API makes it very powerful, but it's lack of smart contracts are cause for concern. Perhaps SMTs will solve this issue? Who knows. However, the smartphones out there have apps that very few people are using. At least our blackberry has one.


smart-contract == smart-phone

Money that can embed itself directly into software? Count me in! The problem here is a general lack of innovation and an extreme abundance of underdevelopment. Cryptokitties? Really? That's what you came up with? FML. Not to worry... I can play the waiting game. They'll come up with something.

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