The BLACKLUX Party is On! - Day 2 - Bring Some Holiday Cookies - for @blacklux

Come to my holiday fund-raising party for @blacklux! Bring cookies - and you could win a prize, too!

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Come and join the fun -- and help out a Steemit friend, too! Consider this your invitation to fun and games from now through January 1! Here's the 1st BLACKLUX Party Post -- there's great holiday music that will get you up and ready to party in there! You can add your holiday party music to that post, too -- and maybe win a prize!

Today is all about Holiday Cookies! Bring your holiday cookie posts to the party, in the comments below -- and you could win a prize, too! See the details down below!

Here's The Deal

Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still! I've wanted to help out, but wasn't sure how. I wasn't sure if she would even be able to stay connected with Steemit -- or be able access her Steemit funds to help recover. She's put out real effort to connect here on Steemit when she can get online. It took awhile for her to just get access to electricity and clean water. I really enjoy her sense of humor, here on Steemit and back on Tsu, too. And she has kept that sense of humor intact, too, all through the hurricane mess!

How the BLACKLUX Party Works

Some of you have enjoyed my Icicle Party or Spring Celebration Party or my Baby Dolphin Party. I know I enjoyed hosting them and seeing all the happy creativity everyone brought to those parties. So I'm having a BLACKLUX party that lasts the entire holiday season! So don't drink too much spiked eggnog right now -- that's for Friday!

I'm going to post a BLACKLUX Party Holiday Card every day, from now through January 1. Every bit of the SBD that these posts make, I'll transfer to @blacklux once the posts pay out.

And there's more. In any of my BLACKLUX Party posts, if you show me a screenshot of any amount that you transfer to @blacklux, I'll match that -- up to 50 SBD total for the whole party. If you've been tracking the value of SBD, you know that is real money, for a real person, who has real needs.

Bring Your Holiday Cookies to the Party!

We've already got the party music going on this post. You can add music there, too! But now we need some holiday cookies!

In the comments below, put a link to any post you have made about holiday cookies. Or drop in a photo of your holiday cookies. I'll choose a random winner of 1 SBD from everyone who posts some holiday cookies in the comments below.

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I haven't made any holiday cookies yet. So these will have to do -- my Spruce Tree and Pine Pollen Cookies.

I'm looking forward to enjoying your holiday cookies! I hope you stop by @blacklux's blog, too, with some holiday cheer!

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead

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