The Blockchain is a Safety Net


There have been a lot of theories and predictions regarding our unsustainable establishment. Dept-based economies cannot last forever. For every dollar that enters the economy, more than a dollar is owed back to the Federal Reserve. USD is also based on the petro-dollar and linked to oil. Oil is a limited resource and terrible for the environment. Every year the world is forced more and more to turn to renewable energy. None of this bodes well for the future of traditional government.

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I used to worry about the collapse of the establishment. I thought the gigantic spikes in the gold market might be evidence that we are approaching a huge depression. However, now we have Gold 2.0 (Bitcoin) and every other altcoin that has spawned from the original blockchain. Now we have a safety net if traditional currency goes belly up.


The Blockchain is going to give the world a chance to decentralize economies and perhaps even governments. In the not-so-distant future we might all be producers and consumers. This would be a much more pure and ideal form of capitalism. Take for instance.

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The mission of Open Source Ecology (OSE) is to create the open source economy.
An open source, libre economy is an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration. To get there, OSE is currently developing a set of open source blueprints for the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) – a set of the 50 most important machines that it takes for modern life to exist – everything from a tractor, to an oven, to a circuit maker. In the process of creating the GVCS, OSE intends to develop a modular, scalable platform for documenting and developing open source, libre hardware – including blueprints for both physical artifacts and for related open enterprises.

They are also working on an open source 3D printer. When you combine open source ideas and technologies like this the world opens up to truly amazing possibilities. Humanity may be on the verge of a whole new way of life. Instead of focusing on copyrights, patents, and competition there may be a big shift to open source collaborative abundance. One can only hope.

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