Work ethic is the concept that the harder you work the more you gain. If you're a farmer and you put in twice as much work, your yield should be twice as much or more. I've come here to say that work ethic has been dead for quite some time.
How many times have you worked really hard with absolutely no gain, so you stop working so hard because, what's the point? The biggest contributor to the murder of work ethic is most certainly being paid hourly. Doesn't matter how hard you worked, you worked X hours, here's your money. Gee, thanks. However, it doesn't stop here. What about discrimination? Racism? Sexism? Poor networking skills? Not being friends with the boss? All of these factors lead to the same trend: the centralization of wealth distribution.

Blockchain technology is going to eventually decentralize society's rule for distributing wealth. It may be hard to see now, but The Blockchain is going to start paying people what they actually deserve, because it's built on a foundation of integrity. The Blockchain is immune to greed. It's going to become harder and harder to cheat the system, because the system is going to evolve exponentially faster than any traditional government could possibly hope to achieve. Also, the system is transparent, so any change to it (corruption) becomes blatantly obvious. The Blockchain is so incredible that it may even serve to replace government one day.
This Christmas day think about what an amazing gift The Blockchain really is. Also, think about who gave us this gift. As my gift to you, in my next post I'll reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.