An open book AMA: LVL, PSYBER X, and Royal Reptile Studios

An open book AMA: LVL, PSYBER X, and Royal Reptile Studios

First, I’ll start with an introduction. My name is Justin Moore, I’m the founder/CEO of Royal Reptile Studios. I established the company right after the start of COVID, in May.
We’re located in Huntington Beach, CA. Yes, my mailing address is a mail station.
It’s a 100% digital business, and everyone works remotely.
We have a wide range of skills sets. Some of us focusing on games, others on applications (many are businesses, but we get the occasional educational platform, or dating app)
I’m the latter, fully dedicated to Unity/Unreal development.
I’ll supply a list of our clients, and testimonials as I think it’s important everyone knows we’re here to fulfill this project. Just like any other we’ve done.
My team consists of myself, 6 developers, and 4 artists/designers.
Everything else we source, but I always go to the community first.
I’ve already found our voice artists for the main characters (one of them is famous with the kids lol)

And James is a true artist, and our main character. Gigas!

Back on subject.
I started getting actively involved in learning Unity development in college.
I was taking business at UCSM at the time. Somehow, I managed to work full time at Fry’s electronics (Now closed 😞), juggle college classes, and learn a trait I was eager for
(I could never do that now with 3 kids)
I started freelancing for quite some time, getting the odd job, here and there. It paid the luxuries, but not the necessities.
Before 2020 I had worked for car manufacturers for the most part, helping with their workflows, and employee frontend systems (DMS)
When COVID happened, things changed… (It did for everyone).
My daughter was born in November of 2019, so a new born with a father interacting with a lot of people was not going to work for me.
I left my job, and here I am.

Successful enough to have a team that can create a game we’ve all been wanting.
I’ll be completely straight forward; we’re looking for funding. We’ve saved what we can to endure any issues along the way, but we’ve landed on Hive as it’s an up-and-coming community. I passed on Enjin, and any ERC-20 token, as I’ve seen it all before.
Hive felt different. The community has really welcomed us, and it really makes me want to give back.
The biggest. Most bad ass blockchain game… yet.

The plan for LVL:
We will continue to allocate funds through selling LVL until we’ve reached our funding goal. Our goal at this time is $100,000. (We are using our own funds for everything else, until the ball really gets rolling.)
Everything will be poured back into development, and promotional material.
This will fund the first part of the game. I read an article on Reddit about someone trashing our Kickstarter campaign a few months ago, and it hurt. Kickstarter gives you 30 words to describe your entire game idea (during the preview phase - before officially launching the campaign) The title for our GDD is longer than that!
Regardless, the first part of the game will be simple.
It’s in the benefit of everyone while we build out the much larger, more intricate gameplay.
It will be a Battle Royale style game play. Picture Fortnite/COD Warzone. We have a few twists that will make this kind of game really fun for the people that don’t like them (Never have been a fan of this genre, until now)
The plan is to keep these two games separated, but tied together with NFTs and lvl.
Some like Battle Royale game play, some like Open world, world building games. This way no one is left out when it comes to earning.

Our testimonials from clients/Work experiences

(I’m going to include as much as I can, including our Upwork profiles - don’t laugh at my picture!)
Agency profile:

Our Yelp page:



Some of our clients:

We’re building a POS system for Costa Oils, and a propriety software for their Franchises
We’re creating a software for multi-family homes. It will expedite their work flow, and open many opportunities for them.

We’re creating an interactive educational/Financial game for students, and music creators. Randall (The CEO of EVCCOT) left the Yelp review above.

A longtime client of ours, we’ve done a lot of work together.

We’re working with a few clients I’m not authorized to speak about, but Neko Sparks is a true partner.
We’ve done many projects together.

We’re working on creating a health based educational game for children. It will help kids learn healthy habits, with reading, and basic math.

More of a personal friend, if you need great SEO. This is the guy!

We have many other jobs that are from individual clients(or businesses that would rather be unnamed), and will keep their projects less known. You may see pictures of some of them on our portfolio, or our website, but I'll keep their names private.
We’re even working on another blockchain game you’ve probably heard of.

I really hope this clears up a lot of questions.
Obviously, I can’t answer everything will ranting, but if you have questions. Please reach out to me, I’d love to answer any questions/issues you may have

You can reach me here, or if you’d like to speak privately you can speak with me on discord : JBOSS#5082


We do not use any other forms of social media.

Here is the previous article about PSYBER X if you missed it:

You can join the pre-sale for lvl here:

For the trailer, I’m making an adjustment and will be a few days late. I was thinking we’ll launch it in about 10 days.

LVL can be found here:

I’m happy you made it this far! I hope I didn’t make that too boring.

I’ll thank you in advance for your support, let's pack our bags and go on this journey together!

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