Nostalgia Childrens Cartoons of the 80's 90's

Hey Steemians.

Happy Friday evening, I am wanting to take you back to when you were a child, if you are a kid of the 80's and 90's that is.
Do you remember when you came in from school dropped your bag, jumped on the sofa and the romote was yours from 4 till 7pm.

I want to take you through some of the toons and programmes I loved to watch.
Some of these were international, others might just have been British lets see which ones you remember.


(Credit Thundercats.we)

Thunder ..... Thunder ...Thunder... Thundercats HO!!!!!!!!
Oh my god I loved this cartoon, all about humanoid cats who have to leave the planet Thundera and find a new home as the planet is dying.
Liono who was a young cub when he leaves is put in suspension and when they land on Third Earth he awakens an adult. But with the help of his team, Tigra, Cheetara, Panthro, Wilie Kit and Kat and Snarf, they help to guide him.
Liono discovered the mystic sword of omens, which has powers giving him sight beyong sight, so he can see what danger is lurking. And by calling to the thundercats he can can send for help through the sword.
Fighting enemies such as Slyth and the Evil Mumm-Ra, Liono and the Thundercats make many friends and promise to protect third earth.

(Credit Wikipedia)

Probably one of the coolest shows I had ever watched in its time.

He Man

And the masters of the universe.
Oh my god if you were not watching this show in the 80's as a kid there was something wrong with you. I still remember how it went "I am Adam, Prince of Eternia...."
This was about a Man called Adam who not only was he a prince he has a secret, he is the defender of the Castle Greyskull. He also has a sword called the sword of power.
When he holds up the sword and calls out "By the power of grayskull." He turns into He Man the most powerful man in the universe, who holds superhuman strength and ability. He is aided by Battlecat, who is cringer when he is Adam.
Naturally He Man too has arch enemies, such as Evil Lynn, Beast Man, Mer-Man and his nemesis Skeletor, who are always trying to find ways to take over Eternia.

(Credit Indiewire)

Great Show.

Jamie and the magic Torch.

Oh my good the theme tune alone to this got you hooked watching it. Here is a link to the intro of the cartoon.

(Credit Cartoon Intros.)

This might be even older than the 80's because Jamie has flares on and they were a big no no in the 80's
Jamie has a torch, when he shines a light on the floor the light turns into a portal which takes him to Cuckoo Land.
He rides down this enormous Helter Skelter with his dog bobtail.
He meets the most amazing characters like Mr Boo (how cool of a name is that) and a robot called Arthur.
Most of the time being so young I did not have a clue about the story lines but watching it back now, its even more enjoyable.

(Credit Little Gems)

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.

Interestingly if you look this up on IMDB it says from 1985- there was actually no end happened yet to this great cartoon.
So Jayce and the Lightning League, who are Flora, Oon, Gillian and Stormsailor, have to fight organic plant like creatures called the Monster Minds, which were actually created by his father by accident following a supernova that mutated a plant he had created to help stop starvation.
However the Monster Minds take over the lab and Jayce's father is forced to flee but he has a root to stop the Monster Minds which half was given to Jayce.
Jayce goes in search of his father for the other half of the root in order to stop the enemies but sadly the show never finished so Jayce is still out there looking. Thats a long time.

Century Falls.

(Credit Wikipedia)

Ok this was only ever aired once and never again I am not sure why exactly. It was written by Russell T Davies who wrote Dr Who.

This was a good story line about a mother and daughter who move to a village called Century Falls, after being there for a while they find out the village has had a disaster years ago which has affected them still to this day.
This is very spooky and paranormal, if you are able to watch it the fall would be a good time to watch it when you are snuggled up looking for something a little eerie to watch.

Dark Season.

(Credit Wikipedia)

Again written by Russell T Davies I found this to be a gripping story line.
This starred a very young at the time Kate Winslet (Titanic, The Holiday)

This was split in to two different story lines. The first three episodes are about a guy called Mr Eldritch who's computer company arrives at a school giving away free computers, (I was so jealous watching this.)
Three Kids Marcy, Tom and Reet are suspicious of Eldritch's intentions and try to stop what he is doing.
Eldritch is a freaky man with blonde hair and wears sunglasses the entire time.

(Credit Curious British Telly)

The next three episodes are about an archaeology dig going on in the school field, which is being headed by a Mrs Pendragon,
again this woman is super freaky not someone you would want to meet on a dark night.
Again the three teenagers have suspicions and think the Dig is going to uncover something more sinister.

(Credit Curious British Telly)

I don't want to spoil it for you if you find it you might find yourself gripped to it, on the other hand you might think its crap.

The Girl From Tomorrow.

Ok I think in the early 90's Australia won when it comes to scifi kids series this seriously kicked ass.

(Credit IMDB)

Ok so the story centres around a girl called Alana who lives in the year 3000, and their world is recovering from a great war that happened in in the 26th century.
They have managed to invent time travel and two people go back in time to find out what happened, but when the time machine arrives a terrorist had captured them, and takes Alana Hostage and they go back in time to 1990.
Alana meets a girl called Jenny and she convinces her she is from the future with the help of a device called a Transducer, which you operate with mind control which can do many things like levitate and heal the sick.
Jenny has to help Alana to recover the time machine to get back home but will she.

The series finishes at a shocking end but dont worry there is a continuation called Tomorrows End.

Well guys I just wanted to do this post as I was feeling a little nostalgic and to share some of my childhood favourites, do you remember any of these yourself maybe??

Thanks for reading.

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