Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?

We had another phone call on Friday from the school board, in this phone call, we were told that if we do not send our Marley to school on Monday then she will be put on the "list" as the board believes this is a worrying situation for a child to be educated by the people who love her most.

What kind of a world do we live in where home educating your children is not only illegal but is also classed as child abuse?

The women on the phone said our only option would be to leave Sweden which is what we have planned on doing for 4 yrs now but the thing is we have not yet found a place we can call home.

Our friends who we are planning on starting an eco-community with have found land in Portugal, it sounds amazing and we are really looking forward to starting this new phase of our lives but we have never been there, we are not Portuguese citizens and we can't say for sure that we ever will be, so at this point we cannot officially leave Sweden, which means our child will be put on that list and we will be on the run.

It's so sad to think that this is our only option, Louise is devastated that she has to leave the land she grew up in, I can see her pain and frustration but I can not imagine what she is going through right now.

Part of me wants to stand and fight, how dare they tell us what is best for our children? what gives them the right to demand our children in such a way? and why is nobody doing anything about it?

I want to take them all on but I also want peace for my family, and I can not stand the thought of them ever getting their hand's on our precious Marley.

Marley is so spiritually connected to this universe, she is a free bird that will never be caged in a classroom, her soul can not be put into a box.

Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.

Albert Einstein.

What is Freedom, Are We Free?

We live in a tinyhouse and go travelling whenever we feel like it, we have no debt, no bills, our money is not in a bank, we are decentralized but for the first time in 4 yrs we do not feel FREE.

Not matter how much we strive to be free from the system we despice it feels as though it is an uphill struggle, but I would rather struggle everyday to be free than to give in and become nothing but a number.

I do believe in freedom and I know that we are close, who knows how long it will take and what road we will have to go down to achieve this freedom but one thing I do know is that they will not break our spirit and they will never get OUR children.


Peace and love to the World.


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