Random Ramble on a Friday (The tin cup license)

 we got a ticket at burning man and am wherein a unicorns  onesie

am a big dud so when a came over a unicorn  onesie in Walmart it was  destiny. 

and it has gold wings on the back

we where shopping in the last food and water  in Reno before  heading in to the desert to burning man. 

just over one week before me and my two friends   left Edmonton after staying there fore a few weeks, last year then. the about  3500 km journey to the desert started. 

my friends are the biggest trolls I know 

and the ongoing joke was to hide the car at every opportunity

 just to keep me on the edge. and the joy to see me trying to find it. 

it was a long but nice ride so nice to have some fear to getting left behind :)

whent to Calgary we did some tourist things to.  

Wikipedia on  Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump


a short detour to  Frank Slide  and land slide in April 29, 1903. Over 82 million tonnes of rock burring a small village and killing 70  people 

drove to  the  Cranbrook in British Columbia 

then in to Montana in the USA we then to  Spokane in Washington state visiting a fellow burner. 

went to  Eugene in  Oregon where we meet more  friends form burning man and we got to see to eclipse together with them. 

in case of aliens we were ready. 42

we continued down to to California a detour to help or camp to get ready 

The caravan is leaving

its a bit shit...but..a did not have the the original longer

when we got in line at burning man 

we got the  guard change at we where stuck in line for a long time 

the notorious road in to burning man  3 km long and normally it take from 2-8 hours

 to get in or out. its one of the few shit parts of burning man.

so we left California in the morning at got in the camp 12 hours later.

ye...:) its nice when u cant see the end.

so after been stuck in the line for 3-4 hours super tired and ready 

for bed  just after going true the gate we got pulled over by the cops. just one more thing. 

here is the funny part of course had a on my  unicorns suit and my friend had forgot the license in Canada

So when the officer ask fore the license. 

no worry's  its in the camper she gave the cop here tin cup with a photo copy of the  license tap on. 

(to get  alcohol u Ned id regardless of ur, age out there so it normally to copy Ur id and put it on Ur cup)

 the officer saying to the others

 can u run the tin cup  license on the computer. 

we got a 130$ fine on not working back light

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