Followers Landmark Reached 112. Many Thanks! But What's so Important About 112?

Firstly, many thanks to all my followers. I rarely write about Steemit itself, as so many others do that, although I do comment on good articles about the technical side of how Steemit works and all the amazing apps that surround the Steem blockchain.

I also don't really want to write an article each time I reach 100, then 200, then (hopefully) 500 followers. Lots of people do that too! So what's so special about the number 112?

Well, that was the point at which the number of followers first exceeded the number of people I was following! That struck me as a landmark that deserved a flag posted on top of it!

OK, I first wrote this a few days ago and this article has been sitting on my computer waiting to be edited. Since then the trend has continued; I am still following new authors I come across, don't worry about that, but it is a nice feeling to see the number of followers slowly pulling ahead.

I write on a lot of different topics so I hope all my followers appreciate the majority of what I write about and just ignore those other topics. Indeed, I hope that at some point Steemit allows authors to have multiple feeds, each targetted to a particular topic, especially for those of us who have a range of interests. I used to do this on Stumbleupon, having different feeds, and would be useful to have one for my mathemtics, another for science, one for neuroscience and philosophy of mind with some meditation thrown in, and yet another for art and design. I can think of plenty more too! But perhaps some of you enjoy the cross-fertilisation between subjects often kept apart.

On the subject of cutting across the Two Cultures, I also have the pleasure of curating the Mathematics community. Mathematics is everywhere, yet often hidden in plain sight, so one of my main tasks is to bring together people with shared interests who currently write using completely different tags! I act not just as a curator but as a "pollinator" across domains such as art, programming and mathematics. That's fun!

So, I'm not sure what the next landmark will be; probably something mathematical, such as reaching the Golden Ratio between followers and following.

Thanks for your support and keep Steemin'!

images: Pixabay with my flag, Wikimedia Commons

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