What's In My Library Challenge

Once Upon A time

That phrase alone is enough to tug my thoughts just a little beyond the here and now.
Travelling the paths of a printed page is where I have spent some of my happiest hours.
I could probably spend hours writing on the topic but I am on a deadline.
This is my entry to @wizardave@s 'what's in your library' competition, so I better get posting before the contest ends.

I seem to have books everywhere

I began collecting books in a different time, . Back then we only had access to the information from radio, telivision, people around us, or hardcopy print. It was a time before the internet or even cable telivision.
I could probably do a whole post on this shelf alone. I think it is my favorite at the moment. I refer to Ted Andrews Animal Speak often.
The next shelf is in a passage way. I will just grab from it on the way through. Most of these are great for reading just a bit at a time. Especially the Foxfire set. Those have tons of short informative chapters.
I didn't get a pic of my fiction shelf. At the moment I am part way through the Dragon Lance series. That may be on hold for a bit. I have been spending most of my reading time on Steemit lately.

I think I will be reading there as soon as I post this. I have tabs open to get back to. Then I want to see what is on everyone else's bookshelf.
We have come a long way from having to wait for a book. Now there is so much we can read with just the click of a mouse. But for me nothing can replace the feel of a real book. Even the aroma of old books carries pleasnt memories for me.

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