How to make money from Bounty Contests with Zero Investment

What's up Steemit, how's it going for you all. I am back here after a very busy week. I was at my hometown having some good time with my family and best friends. Okay, so let's look into the topic which is "how to make money from Bounty Contests with Zero investments". 

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Well if you are a crypto savvy person like me, you are already familiar with bounty contests. So if you are hearing about them for the first time: Bounty contests are conducted by the teams behind brand new ICO's(Initial Coin Offerings) to promote their coin or tokens. So why do they conduct such contests? What's the point or catch? Well, to let know the general public about your new token or coin you need to do marketing. And marketing is never free :(. But, what if you could do marketing for free? What if you could host a contest and let people do the marketing and reward them later with a small share of your product for the efforts they have put? sounds cool right. That exactly is what bounty programs or contests are.

Most ICO's will have an airdrop or bounty section in their official website. So what will be the tasks to complete in such contests? there will be daily or weekly or daily tasks where you will have to like comment and share their official social media posts across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. And it's totally upto you to decide which tasks to do. So if you don't want to share something to your facebook profile cool you can skip that task. 

You will have to submit proof of your tasks by submitting your profile's username or by sharing a link to the post you have shared for them to make out that you haven't scammed them :D. I know all of these sounds confusing to newbies. Don;t worry i will share some links to active bounty contests below, so you could sign up and earn some tokens or coins.

So what are the minimum requirements?

1) A Name(duh)

2) Email ID

3)ERC20 Address or ETH address(This is not the ETH address from exchanges like Bittrex or Binance,You can make one for free from

4) Social Media profiles(Fake accounts works too but you should have some minimum 250 friends, ahem, I ain't giving hints on that)

5) Half an hour a day(If you are doing 10 or more different bounty contests to earn more stakes, if you are doing just 1 maximum of 5 mins is all you need)

That's all folks, that's all you need to make some good cash(Satoshis :P).

So If you are looking to join some bounty contests here are few:


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