What to do when finding myself hitting a brick wall when I try to convert a request from one of our customers into doing the actual work. The work expected is about an hour, maybe two by one of our engineers. Yesterday, we must have spend at least 16 hours of mantime all-together to discuss the why now, and the customer is not always king. Certainly I agree on many points, we cannot just jump, pause all other work, and execute some customer request, for all requests we get. But, not all requests are the same and sometimes we have to go along with our customer and give it the highest priority it can get.
This was one of them, as management found out when they were receiving escalation calls, one by one. And then still, it took most of the afternoon to actually get a time slot arrange for the tests we were requested for the support with. 16 hours of work without any of the actual work done.
Yesterday evening, after receiving a go, an engineer, a time slot for testing and the ability to make my customer kinda ok happy again, I felt like being totally drained, de-focussed, and slightly dizzy. What a day it was!

I was in for doing absolutely nothing, the whole evening, to wind down, to chill and relax. What better than to massage the ears and brains with some solid, good music? What about natural/electronic.system? Their set they recorded closing some event and had to cut short after about two hour playing?
Well, it is an amazing piece of music! So amazing, I almost felt reborn after listening till the end and I really really wanted to write this post. "No", I told myself, "Chill further and write tomorrow morning before go to the office".
So I did... :)
Press Play Below
Artist: natural/electronic.system.
Set: Campfire Stories 29 (Storm Approaching)
Year: 2017
Country: Italy
source soundcloud
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