For more than one reason this morning I had to collect all the information (links and all) of Four Tet. This guy shall simply not be left unmentioned on Steemit.
- Remixed a track for Aphex Twin back in the late 90s
- Played the opening acts for Radiohead in their European tour, back in 2003
- Grammy Winner in 2017
But foremost and by far most important reason this guy deserves to be mentioned, is his ability to create music in a way only a few others can. It is difficult to put a label on his style, so I won't even try what others failed to do. That in it self is reason enough to test the music and check out of it somehow resonates with your ears and brains. I know it does with mine! With the Sun high in the sky (well, not so high yet, but getting there, only 4 hours to go till noon), the sounds of the latest album of Four Tet moving my eardrums, I'm getting more and more excited.

© Four Tet (source)
Press Play Below
Artist: Four Tet
Album: New Energy
Year: 2017
Country: UK
Two Thousand and Seventeen
LA Trance
Falls 2
You Are Loved
10 Midi
Gentle Soul
Artist Music
Spotify Beatport Bandcamp Soundcloud YouTube
Artist Discography
Artist Gigs
Artist Website
Music Library with more than 200 Entries
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