I want to create a new group

What is this New Group all about?

This group I intend to be all about community promotion. The promotion of the group itself, the users of the group and myself. I see this group as no different to any other group out there which wish to promote the members of its group.
I have an idealistic view in my mind where Individual promotion of the group can reward all.

Who is in the group?
Right now I am one person with a seed Although others have expressed an interest in supporting. As a group, it becomes we not I and we can grow together.

What is the group about?
The agenda behind the group is a selfish one, it is to grow the group account. I believe a strong VP in the group account will provide a better method to providing support to the member than by words and advice alone, This would also provide encouragement for a newer member to the platform and the group to remain with the group and on the platform. I am of a positive attitude that those who join the group early and grow with it will benefit most from their interaction in the group. Those who join later will also be able to benefit, though they will need to display their community spirit for a large upvote from the group. I think this is fair to those who grow the group from its seed to sapling.

What is the group worth to someone who joins.
Initially, the group is worth a vote to you, I would like to start the group with a vote being equal to the level which would receive a payout after the 7 day period. This I firmly hold strong in my belief is why most people join the Steemit community. The possibility of an income. These rewards grow over time and offer more opportunities to vote on other posts and comments too.

Can I post anything and get a vote from the group
Quite simply No!. In the beginning, we will not have the VP to vote everything and every comment. I would also like to promote content which people have spent the time to produce promote their effort, avoiding the promotion of spam posts. I would also like to invite writers of quality posts to write within the group when we can provide them with a small income for doing so.

Will the group do anything else besides vote for a post?
I see no reason why not, as the group develops and grows we can provide more opportunities to more people while still maintaining our growth. like providing a reward for posts outside of the vote given to writers for the group. We will always be open to possibilities for expansion of the role we can play.

What kind of people does the group want to attract?
The group is open to everyone who feels they will be able to assist the growth of others or those who feel they can work within a community to gain growth themselves. We may be more appealing to Plankton, to begin with. We may also begin to focus our attention on one specific task until completed.

If you are likeminded and believe in community growth which helps those in the group to grow together. If you are willing to share your time an effort for the benefit of everyone, Including yourself. We will also have a community chat room on the discord platform. With community and time, we can accomplish more than we can alone.
We look forward to working with you in a positive manner both in Steemit and the Discord communities. We look forward to talking with you and reading your blogs, as we grow in both friends and ability together.

Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback in the comments section.

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