Steemit Culinary Challenge # 14: No Bake, Lemon Coconut Cream Squares, Which Can Be Medicated

These tangy little squares are quick to make. To be honest, they'll take you about 20 minutes but that's only because I have included the time it takes me to grated and squeeze fresh lemons by hand.

I'm not a quick grater or zester.

I consider the rasps I own, to be deadly weapons and have learned to take my time and to pay attention when I use these kitchen tools.

(My finger tips matter to me.)

This is a 10 minute job if you already have lemon juice on hand, and you decide not to use the zest as garnish.

I will tell you that the zest dramatically drives up the flavour profile of the lemon. It actually takes the whole lemony experience to another level,... just like Limoncello did, when I added 1 tsp of it to the coconut cream.

This of course, is completely optional, if you're not Italian.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a fundamental requirement if you are,... and you should do your part to make this world turn a little easier. ;) 

Let's have a look at the main ingredients:

For the Base:

  1. 1 cup of ground almonds;
  2. 1 cup of medium shred unsweetened desiccated coconut;
  3. 2/3 cup of pure creamed coconut;
  4. 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice; 
  5. 4 tbsp of maple syrup;
  6. 2 tsp of vanilla bean infused agave syrup; (Alternatively, you could add another tbsp of maple syrup and 1 tsp of vanilla extract, if you don't have any agave on hand in your kitchen.)
  7. Optional to medicate with cannabis, replace 4 tbsp of maple syrup with 4 tbsp of honey that has been infused with the cannabis strain of your choice.

To learn "how to" infuse raw honey with cannabis, please see my following blog post:


Here's what the honey looks like when it's fully infused with cannabis:

(This recipe will make 18 lemon coconut cream squares. Medicating it with 4 tbsp of infused honey will produce a square that contains the approximate equivalent dose of 10 mg of THC, if you have infused the honey with 30 grams or 1 ounce of a cannabis strain that contains 20% THC. If you have infused the honey with more than 1 oz or your % of THC was more than 20%, your finished "medible" will be more potent and you may or may not want to adjust the size of the squares, accordingly.)

For the Lemon Coconut Cream Layer:

  • 1 and 3/4 cups of full fat coconut milk that has been refrigerated for at least 12 hours;
  • 1/2 cup of lemon juice;
  • 5 tbsp of maple syrup;
  • 3 tbsp of black chia seeds;
  • 2 tsp of vanilla bean infused agave syrup;
  • Optional 1 tsp of Limoncello. (Limoncello is a very sweet, lemon-based Italian liqueur.)

Here's what Limoncello looks like:

Normally, I would never suggest that a person mix any form of cannabis with alcohol unless they know what they are doing. Cannabis enhances the effects of alcohol. In this particular case, I have used the liqueur in such a small quantity that it's more for its distinct lemon flavour which adds depth to the flavour of this dessert. The flavour profile that this liqueur brings to the table is the only reason that I have incorporated it into this recipe and the recipe does just fine without it. So, don't go and buy it, if you don't already have some on hand.


  1. the zest of one whole large lemon.

Tools Needed:

  1. a food processor;
  2. a rasp for zesting the lemon;
  3. a 16 inch by 14 inch baking sheet or dish;
  4. a rolling pin;
  5. plastic wrap or parchment paper;
  6. a strainer or slotted spoon to fish any lemon seeds out of the lemon juice;
  7. and a spatula.


  • Grate one large whole lemon for its zest and squeeze the juice of 2 large lemons to produce 1 cup of lemon juice.

Strain the juice with a strainer or slotted spoon, if you get any lemon seeds in the juice.

  • Grind the almonds.

This is the level of crumb, that you want to achieve:

  • Add the shredded coconut and blend again for 30 seconds.

  • Add the creamed coconut, the agave, maple syrup or medicated honey if you are using it, and blend for a minute to ensure that all of the base ingredients are well mixed together.

The finished dough should be sticking and holding together.

  • Transfer the dough to the baking sheet or dish. I like to line mine with plastic wrap or parchment paper to make it a little easier to remove and serve the squares when they are finished.

You'll notice that the dough clumps together nicely.

  • Using another piece of plastic wrap or parchment paper over top of the dough, roll or spread it into place so that it covers the entire bottom surface of the baking sheet. This dough is the crust or base of the squares.

  • Clean out the bowl of the food processor and add the full fat coconut milk that has been chilled for at least 12 hours in a refrigerator. Then add the agave syrup, maple syrup, and chia seeds.

  • Blend well and add the Limoncello, if you are using a touch of that liqueur.

As the chia seeds start to absorb liquid, they will produce a thick, creamy-like custard. The beauty of this, is that this custard doesn't contain eggs and doesn't require cooking which saves a lot of time. Often making good lemon curd can take up to 20 minutes to make, just on its own.

  • Evenly, spread this mixture on top of the dough crust, using a spatula.

  • Garnish the top with lemon zest.

Let's take a closer look:

The black chia seeds resemble poppy seeds in appearance but they are more gelatinous in texture and aren't crunchy.

Putting the entire tray of squares into the refrigerator for 30 minutes will firm these squares up substantially. They also freeze really well.

I cut these squares immediately after making them so that you can see, they will "hold their own" and you can begin enjoying them right away. (Yes, from the "I should make these phase" to the eating phase in about 10 minutes time.)

Quick and easy is a thing of beauty in my kitchen.

These little lemon coconut cream squares do not require baking.

If maple syrup and agave syrup are used, they are completely Vegan. They are also a higher fat, lower carbohydrate dessert and they do not contain any grain, which makes them Paleo-friendly as well. If infused with cannabis, they become a terrific little "medible", providing something uniquely different than your standard "pot brownie".

Here's the list of people who I simply must acknowledge for their on-going and relentless support of the Steemit Culinary Challenge as we engage in the 14th weekly contest:

@englishtchrivy ( the organizer)

@onceuponatime (this week's guest judge)

@oaldamster (the logo designer)

@vegascomic (the trophy designer)

@smooth (a prize sponsor)

@sirwinchester (a prize sponsor)

and @knozaki2015 (a prize sponsor)

Thank you to all of you who are continuing to support the challenge week after week.

We are seeing some very high calibre creations coming out of Steemit kitchens around the globe. 

I welcome your comments and invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan

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