City gull


Seagulls are usually sea birds, from the city of Rivne to the nearest sea of ​​about 900 kilometers. This year I saw a huge number of gulls in the sky above the city. Where only sparrows, pigeons and crows could be seen, gulls have now settled. Maybe there are more fish in the local water bodies? I do not know. I am an avid fisherman, but I refused fishing in the nearest lakes because of the infection of lakes and rivers with lamblia cysts. It is possible that there are fewer fishermen, and there are more fish. This attracts feathered fishermen. Judging by how calmly this seagull felt, there are no enemies for it. She feels like a landlady. Looks down on how the bustle beneath her are the people.
Interestingly, in Moldova, which is located just 170 km from the sea, I have not seen a single gull. I remember a joke about the naval fleet of Belarus, which has no access to the sea and a submarine in the steppes of Ukraine. There is no sea, but all signs of the presence of the sea are observed. This seagull excellently worked its bread. She moved little, for which she gave me enormous gratitude. I hope that the lampposts are designed with the expectation that they can sit on such a boar.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
Author @barski
Ukraine, the city of Rivne

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