6.9.18 Saturday (or Cat-turday - 😺 meow) To Launch or Not to Launch - that is the Question! Upvotes and Prizes πŸ†πŸ…πŸ¬ 🐟 Give-away

6.9.18 Saturday (or Cat-turday - 😺 meow) To Launch or Not to Launch - that is the Question!

Upvotes πŸ’― and Prizes πŸ†πŸ…(SBD and more) 🐬 🐟 Give-away πŸ’΅ to those who Qualify!

You might have the information on the Curation Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One! but if not, please read it.

The Curation Circle Creed / the Honor Code:

languagepost url
English by @freedomshiftCuration Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One!
French by @aminukiCuration Circle Creed - une proposition pour aider les dΓ©butant Γ  augmenter leurs gains ! ( traduction de @freedomshift)
Indonisian by @cicisajaCuration Circle Creed - Sebuah Proposal Untuk Membantu Pemula Mulai Menghasilkan - Versi Indonesia
I am inviting newbies and supporters to help launch this #ccc Initiative. But, it is up to the newbies to get on board and give #ccc a crank to start!

The supporters, including myself, we can only encourage and add fuel - Upvotes πŸ’― and Prizes πŸ†πŸ…(SBD and more) 🐬 🐟 Give-away πŸ’΅ to those who Qualify - once the train πŸšƒ 🚞 πŸš„ or the circle has started.

To keep things very simple to get started: 1. Anyone can join - using the tag #ccc; 2. you will receive the benefits only if you are willing to give others in the group the same, your upvote of 12 SP effectively (80% of 15 SP) for 10 other blogger's qualified posts; 3. Additional benefits will come from voluntary sponsors and myself to get things started each Saturday.

1. How to Join?

Use the #ccc tag as one of the five (5) tags allowed.

2. How to Qualify for Upvotes and Prizes?

3. How to upvote?

4. Can Anyone Join or is it just for Newbies?

  • Yes, anyone can join, but only upvote those who qualify
  • supporters are welcome to join and to support newbies with bigger votes or prizes of their own choice

5. The following posts are to be voted at 12 SP effectively as required (no self-voting or paid to vote bots)

entry #urlcomment
1@cicisaja/fokus-saja-pada-dompetmuneed to include affirmation of creed / honor code - copy and paste exception granted
2@el-nailul/my-journey-isolated-tribe-mentawai-end-f587d9ca7d25bneed to include affirmation of creed / honor code - copy and paste exception granted
3@aminuki/the-girl-with-the-black-dog-in-italy-6need to include affirmation of creed / honor code - copy and paste exception granted
4@aminuki/curation-circle-creed-une-proposition-pour-aider-les-debutant-a-augmenter-leurs-gains-traduction-de-freedomshiftperfect! Thank you for translating!
6@sweetcnw/colorchallenge-redmonday-bougainvillea-flowersneed more word of original writing; need to include affirmation of creed / honor code - copy and paste perfect!
8@dipoabasch/chicken-dinner-not-for-winner-76fb89b53c573perfect (under new rules)

Optional -Include the following to qualify for upvotes and prizes. It helps everyone to include something, an url or a banner - looking for help with banner at the moment.

Curation Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One!

  • I will only post original contents (not counting graphics or external links) on steemit or busy only.
  • I will clearly and properly source references, text and other media, abiding by copy rights.
  • I will respect other people's opinion, nationality, religious belief, language, and culture.
  • I will abide by rules laid out in the FAQ and generally accepted by the community.
  • I will not self vote nor bot vote posts with #ccc (excluding @steembasicincome and @dustsweeper and bot votes not paid by blogger)
  • I will not use alternate accounts to hide self voting
  • I will only use this tag, #ccc, once (one time) per 24-hour period or agree to be disqualified.
  • I also understood and agreed that: if my post has been voted or flagged by @cheetah, @steemcleaner, @introbot, or @badcontent or similar bots, it is immediately disqualified for said benefits.
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