CHALLENGE | GET TO KNOW ME | 50 Steem in Prizes

Almost no one is able to post these days. If you are not a whale or a lucky piranha who, like me, got some SP delegated to you, you don´t have the means (RC) to post, comment or vote right now.

I´m a discord chat lurker. I am part of around 40 rooms and even though I speak around 10 words per week in most of them, I read a lot of what´s happening and I´m aware of the word on the street.

Most of us are suffering from writing, commenting and voting withdrawal

I mean, it´s normal. We are used to certain lifestyle where we engage daily and interact with our friends several times a day in the various Steem frontends available and one day Bum! We can´t do that anymore and it probably will be like that for the next few days.

I understand how you feel because I would feel the very same if I wasn´t able to post, vote or interact the way I normally do it.

I´ve read in some chat rooms that some people are losing their minds and are bored as hell; some other people are being forced to go outside and actually talk to other people (I´m not a fan of that also, don´t worry); there are others who are actually doing home chores and I read about a few Steemians who are trying out other ICO/Crypto platforms while our beloved Steem comes back and our RC allows us to go back to the way we were before September 25th at 3 pm UTC.

Well, I came up with an idea for you to fight back your withdrawal syndrome


Before explaining this little idea, let me list a few rules:

  • Only Steemians with more than 6 months in the platform or more than 100 posts made can join this challenge.
  • You can only include posts of your authorship.
  • Avoid crypto, politics and religious posts.
  • Think of this challenge as your Steem blogging "resume or CV"
  • Have fun.


Now that you can´t blog, comment or vote, use this time to browse your own blog and pick the 5-10 posts that you would like everyone to read to get to know you a bit more. Perhaps when you joined the platform you made some kick ass posts that got little to no attention and you think they were amazing; maybe you want other newbie Steemians to read that masterpiece you posted 9 months ago but they didn´t read because they joined 3 weeks ago; probably, like me, nowadays you are blogging about something completely different than what you used to blog a year ago and you want people to read those posts or watch those videos.

Select your top ten posts, those that you want everyone to read, and make a kick ass compilation.

What? Did you think the challenge was about reposting 10 posts? No! We are not reposters and we can´t get double rewards from something we already got a payout from.

But we sure as hell can make a compilation for all the other Steemians to know about us, to use this time when they can´t post to read about who we were a few months or years ago.

Oh, a few more rules :P

  • The moment you are able to post, make this compilation and #nominate 3 other Steemians.
  • Use the tag #gettoknowme
  • Resteem this post (Not mandatory, but it would be cool as hell if everyone joined).

Wouldn´t it be cool that, the moment someone can post, they join this challenge so other Steemians can read about them while themselves can´t post and then, when said readers are able to post, they join this challenge so other Steemians who still can´t post, read about them... and so on... until we are all able to go back to our regular posting, commenting and voting behaviour?

One more rule!

  • Don´t spam or stress the blockchain unecesarilly. Think twice before leaving a comment that doesn´t add any value, try voting with a higher percentage and give less votes, don´t post more than what you were used to before this Hardfork. Our witnesses are working towards getting our blockchain ready for blogging, but let´s not put more work in their hands than what we used to do.

In ten days, I will copy into an excel spreadsheet every username who joined this challenge and then I´ll randomly pick ten users (I´ll record the process and post it so it´s all transparent) and I´ll transfer 5 steem to each winner.

What are you waiting for? Start preparing your compilation so when you can post, you join this challenge!

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