My #steemsugar sister @meanmommy33 announced this AMAZING challenge in our general chat, and I thought that it would be a fun exercise for people to get to know me, and vice versa. The challenge was invented by our #steemsugar sister @traciyork, please check out her original posting of the challenge here.
Basically, how it works is, I will state 11 facts about me. One will be a lie, and it's up to you to decide which one it is!

🙃 10 FACTS, 1 LIE! 🙃
1) A few years back, I was almost mugged by a gang of street children with knives, and was heroically saved by a complete stranger.
2) I only passed my driver's license test two years ago, despite being a few months shy of 30.
3) When I was eight, I won a competition for the most books read in one year.
4) I have two pet cats at home, and another two adopted strays that live at my shop.
5) My home language is Afrikaans.
6) When I was in preschool, I won a beauty pageant; "Little Miss Apple Blossom."
7) I once cut my foot open really severely on a piece of mirror, and bled all over the place. I did not even cry. I did however cry when I saw the huge needle that I had to receive an injection from.
8) I started a Psychology degree at university, but did not ever complete it.
9) A few years ago, I had my own restaurant.
10) One of my cats fell out of the fifth floor window of my apartment building, and is still alive today.
11) I lived as an au pair in Germany after leaving school
@traciyork's rules for the challenge:
- Post 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself
- Have people guess which is the lie. One guess per person
- Offer some sort of prize
- Reveal the answer only after payout
- Use the tag #tenfactsonelie
- Tag your friends to do their own!
So I tag @battleaxe @ameliabartlett @velmthrift @dwarfche @nicknightshade
I will announce the winner in ONE WEEK from now.