Three things to make a better experience @dragosroua challenge30days Day Seven

Make Steemit dot com better dragosroua challenge fitinfun 7.jpg

3 Badly Needed Things for Steemit to Survive

  1. More minnows posting for rewards and engagement
  2. Wider adoption into the many millions
  3. Re-distribution of wealth from the top 100

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Here's more information about those three things.

Steemit needs more minnows posting for rewards and engagement

We have a very bad kill rate from new minnows and not a lot of help for those who struggle. Those people leave and trash talk us.

I use @arcange reports, and this one is not looking good.

arcange active users May 7 2018.PNG

And this one fell off a cliff.

arcange active users 2 May 7 2018.PNG

Wider adoption into the many millions

I would like to see a much larger talent pool posting here. We have less than 10K in “people who count” here. Very woeful.

arcange number of accounts May 7 2018.PNG

Re-distribution of wealth from the top 100

We are more out of balance in steemit that in most fiat currencies. This says a lot – none of it good for the future.

I’m pretty sure we also need an influx of wealth to come in here and certain people to stop draining the wealth so quickly; but I stay out of those top-level matters. I am trying to help people get healthy and lose weight!

How to Measure Success?

People posting from other platforms into steemit worries me from my place only posting from here. If one of those other platforms really takes off instead of steemit – I would just ship in a heartbeat.

“Taking off” is all about the Alexa ranking and ours is not doing good these days – good but not that good. While other places “steal” the talent. Or do they make the talent pool grow? Time will tell.

steemit alexa may 2018.PNG

My post for Day Seven of this interesting and rewarding #challenge30days by @dragosroua . You should be posting here too!

fitinfun before and after sitting difference.jpg

I like my food now and it is not expensive. Who knew a healthy diet could be fulfilling?

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