from TechnoFriday to Marktkantine and Mathew Jonson

Today is the day! This #technofriday I start early (just after midnight here) and finish the day in...

...euhm...why I have this déja vue feeling?

Oops, just about exactly 7 days ago, I started my post about Shelter and the star guest of that night exactly the same way... What is wrong with me? Plagiarising myself?

Thinking about it as hard as I could, I think it has to do with yet another superstar in electronic music in Amsterdan; After last weeks Ricardo Villalobos, tonight it is Mathew Jonson!

I do hope we will be able to make it a bit longer in Marktkantine tonight then we spend in Shelter last weekend. Although Ricardo was pretty damn good, we couldn't stand the crowd: too many people and lots of them where in a strange modus, behaving in a way as if they were the only one in the club. After too many people trying to walk through us, instead of around, we decided about an hour into Ricardo's set, to leave for home and continue our adventures.

In case you are in the neighbourhood, somewhere in about a radius of... euhm... let's say 8 hours travel time... why not come to Amsterdam and get some piece of higher order music?

@cubapl wrote more about this master of electronic music just a few days ago click here... you'll be there, right?

Below a really cool track from a formation Mathew is in already for more than 2 decades: Cobblestone Jazz!

See You Tonight! :)

© Cobblestone Jazz (source)

Artist: Cobblestone Jazz
Track: Northern Lights
Year: 2015
Country: Germany

source soundcloud

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