Team-building Events (Bowling) to celebrate the new release of software 公司组织到剑桥打保龄球

Every time the company has released a new version of software, we go out for celebration (also known as team-building events).

Yesterday, we went to Cambridge Leisure Park (CB1 7YD) to do the bowling. And here are my suggestions according to my own experience:

  1. The bowling is scheduled at 5:30 and the dinner is at 7:30. I think it is better to dinner first then bowling so people are not having a empty stomach when doing activities.
  2. The company should have paid for the taxi fee instead of us driving and parking on own own.
  3. The team-building event should not be in the evenings when we should spend time with family. It could be scheduled on Friday afternoon so that we have a happier weekend.
  4. The company should pay for extra drinks and desserts.

昨天晚上公司组织到剑桥 Cambridge Leisure Park (坐标: CB1 7YD) 打保龄球 庆祝软件发布新版本. 

 我其实对打保龄球并没有多大的追求, 本身就是一个发泄压力的好运动 只不过扔两球之后就得等下一轮, 整体体验并不是很好, 原因如下:  

  • 安排在吃饭的点(5:30)先打保龄球 再吃饭(7点半). 没吃饭怎么运动
  • 打保龄球其实是件比较好的团队建设沟通(Team Building) 的活动 但是没有HR来分组 还是熟悉的人自己一组, 都很熟悉了也没啥意思, 何况又没有美女.
  • 公司没有安排统一接车, 得自己开车去, 邮费+停车费得自己出, 虽然不多 但是毕竟不爽
  • 公司没有统一在打球的时候给我们买饮料 这钱也得自己出!
  • 到餐厅用餐的时候如果需要点甜点或饭后咔啡也得自己出钱!
  • 时间安排在晚上, 这点很不好因此有些离家远的(开车1个小时的) 都没有来. 晚上时间是和家人在一起的, 为啥不从下午就开始组织活动然后傍晚吃个饭就散了呢?


 休息一下 点了些吃的喝的 

 Frankie & Benny 餐厅环境

牛排史上最难吃, 虽然说的是 Medium Red 但是还是很硬, 肉感不好. 完全就是 Steak OverCooked! 

 Frankie Benny 的牛排很难吃 很硬 虽然点了是 Medium Red

综上, 差评! 

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