I have created lists of my favourite Steem Tools in this week. If you want to earn more steem dollars, these tools are necessary, it's very useful since I started learning Steem, including trading, Analysis, Search etc, My Favorites List.
No.1 http://www.steemdollar.com - UpVote WORTH OF YOUR Steemit Account, Sample :Like me MyFirst I just do a testing, 50 STEEM conversion Power UP,Then refresh the page,UpVote WORTH Value increase 0.002, The longer rest, this number is on the rise,so want to earn more, the best way is to buy Steem coin, or writes quality articles attract the attention of big whale.

2. http://steemStats.com - A steem account monitoring & statistics ToolCan use it to view our revenue/UpVote the reply for each post other articles and The distribution of income,If you develop robots may refer to the following。

3. http://steemStory.com - Just like the website's name ,Chart statistics of steem users information, very Good UI design And the user experience

4. http://steemstream.com/ - Follow the Upvotes, Money Transfers, Comments, Proof of work mining and other data in realtime on the Steem.

5. https://steemd.com/ - A Useful Analysis Steem Tools

6. http://steemitchat.com - Steemers Chat Social networking,You need to register an account,You should share your article here, and might be able to get their attention

7. https://www.socialsearchengine.org/en @xiaohui My friend @Xiaohui development of Social Search Tool where you can search for information from Steemit and all major social networks

8. https://www.poloniex.com/ - Steem currency exchange Everyone is using

9. https://www.bittrex.com/ (Same Steem exchanges, sometimes show different prices and poloniex prices, you can decide to buy cheaper)

10. https://ipfs.pics/ - The fast steemit image storage site
11. https://www.steemimg.com/ and http://imgsafe.org/
12. https://steemit.chat/ - Steemit Inc chat application
I will update If find more, as you know, is not in the abovelist, please tell me I'm the perfect complement to Your Upvote Would be very grateful!
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Easy Compile & install steemd on Ubuntu 16.04 by one command: install-steemd.sh