Coding Challenge #2 – Polynomial

Welcome to the second Coding Challenge.

Here I will post a coding challenge every few days that you can solve. There will be easy ones and hard ones, pretty mixed.

How does it work?

  • Try to solve the challenge in whatever language you find fitting
    • You can use a new language you always wanted to learn or show off your golfing skills
  • Post a comment with a link to your code (use or similar sites that allow execution of your code) and some info on how the code works or what is remarkable
  • Optional: Create a post with the tag #coding-solution
    • In that post walk other users through the process of solving your challenge. That way they can learn and try it out on the next one
  • Optional: Read and review other peoples code, try to find bugs, give feedback and learn

Why even bother?

  • Training is everything, the more you train your mind to think in code, the better you are prepared
  • You may learn a few new tricks from reading other solutions
  • I will send tips for really good solutions (and use the liquid rewards of this post for it too)
  • You may get recruited if someone likes your code (f.e. I am looking for talents)

Challenge #2 – Polynomial

This challenge will be an interesting one, easy to do but hard to get right.

Wikipedia context:

Implement a Polynomial class taking an a string formula that abides to these specifications:

  • parse the polynomial given as a string, f.e. +1x^0 -5x^1 +3x^2
  • implement a few methods, add, substract, multiply, divide
  • implement the standart to-string method of you language to give back a polynomial in above format


  • The format is pretty easy to parse. If you want a challenge, try accepting more loose polynomials like 1+2x or 3x^{12}-6 x^2.
  • Try adding more methods, derive and integrate will be fun.
  • Bonus points for:
    • handling edge cases
    • good coding practices and modularity
    • useful and meaningful tests
    • beautiful (readable, self-documenting) code

Please keep the #coding-challenge tag clean of solutions.

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