Pay Attention To How The MSM Reports On Crypto


There are certain things you're not allowed to say on TV. I'm sure many of us agree that positive reporting about cryptocurrency is one of them. You'll rarely ever see anything good about The Blockchain on screen even though there are a million good things about it. The reason for this is obvious: The Blockchain is a threat to the status quo. It's going to be even more disruptive than the Internet was in the 90's because it addresses the world's biggest problem: distribution of wealth (greed).

It is my belief that the powers that be know that The Blockchain is a force to be reckoned with. However, they don't want to destroy it; it's too valuable. They just want to stop it from going viral, for now, and they are doing a great job.

It's so easy to spread FUD about crypto. It's complicated, confusing, and doesn't make sense to the vast majority of the population. It's so easy to take a quick look at it and think, "scam". The establishment capitalizes on this confusion to stop The Blockchain from taking over too quickly. The chain can evolve much faster than governments or corporations can so they need time to catch up.


Cycle of FUD

  1. The cycle starts out with a blockchain bull run. Viral activity must be stopped. MSM will report this gain. This is the one thing they will report that seems positive, but it's all part of the plan. Reporting the bull run creates FOMO and encourages blockchain newbies to buy at the worst time.

  2. The huge bull run pump into the market creates massive volatile waves in the market; great for swing traders but horrifying for the new wave of people that just bought in. This is the best time for MSM to spread FUD. The newbies let their emotions get the best of them and they will lose a lot of money.

  3. Disillusioned, our new wave of crypto users turns it's back on The Blockchain and helps the MSM by further spreading FUD to friends and family.

  4. Crypto doesn't go viral. Repeat.


During phase 2 there is a good chance of artificial volatility. I know if I was running this FUD storm I'd pump a few billion dollars into crypto during the bull run, report the gain, and then dump the crypto that just got bought. This action creates a much bigger splash in the market. They can get newbies to buy at a higher price and then have them freak out and sell during the first big dip.

In the grand scheme of things, an artificial pump and dump like this is relatively inexpensive and possibly even profitable. When you're in control of trillions what's a few million dollars here or there? Also, the act of slowing down crypto is an investment that could save them billions in the years to come. This cycle will continue until we reach the tipping point.


The tipping point is when MSM FUD is no longer effective. The Blockchain has proven itself to the masses and is no longer considered speculative. The pump and dump pattern has been recognized and less and less people are being fooled into buying during the peak. There are more utility tokens like Steem were people can jump in and get coins without having to risk anything. It's impossible to project exponential growth, but I think the tipping point is a maximum of five years out and a minimum of 2. It all depends on blockchain innovation vs resistance.


Once the tipping point has arrived, the establishment will change it's tune. They'll dump a ton of money into a variety of blockchains and then the MSM will report that cryptocurrency is legitimate. Blockchain tech will go instantly viral because it has been suppressed for so long. Crypto millionaires will become billionaires and those with $1000's will become millionaires. Many governments and corporations will have their own coins and promote the hell out of them. Much like religion: "My coin is the one true coin," will be a thing and people will continue to promote their favorite chains just like they would their favorite sports teams. All coins will have short-term success, but long term success is based on a variety of factors:



Until Then...

We are doing everything backwards at Steemit. We are falling into their trap and letting them win. Crypto downswings are just as important as the upswings. They promote decentralization and give the opportunity for the next wave to buy in cheap.

When the value of crypto spikes, everyone here jumps on the hype train and furthers the agenda of the establishment. When it goes down we spread their FUD for them. Get your mind right. Now is the time to get excited about crypto. Steem is under $2, can't you see how this is a good thing? When Steem spikes up to $10-$20 in the summer time remember this moment.


I maintain my prediction for the near future. The next bull run is set for late June/July. Lot's of money get's made and spent in the summer time. It's blockbuster season for the movies, kids are out of school, yada yada yada. There may be one or two crashes left in the market. Steem could dip to $1, Bitcoin could dip to $4000, Litecoin could dip to $100, etc. I think the safest time to buy will be late April/May. This will be confirmed if the market stops jumping all over the place for a few weeks. Crypto may be volatile, but it's still predictable. There is often calm before the storm.

Greater Good

Divorce yourself from the love of money. Prepare yourself for the Age of Abundance. We've been forced to look down for so long it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Money doesn't matter. If the planet gets completely destroyed by greed we all lose.

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