Can we separate post rewards on Steemit by content type that reflects a value of time, effort, energy, work and labor to create?
Or does each content type benefit more by being it's own platform, subchain or token?
Or is there a better option?
And can some content be prevented from being here? Is child abuse allowed? Is that censorship? Sex trafficking transactions? Anything and everything? Let's be real, censorship is a realistic part of life. Those who blindly follow maxims of complete freedom of every and any action no matter how immoral it is are not living in a sane worldview.

But aside from that argument to demonstrate how censorship is valid in life, and how @dantheman even made a well structured post on the validity of censorship, there is always the issue of how different content is rewarded in this new economic model where no one is actually paying for anything themselves. It's a skewed consumer model that doesn't represent the way our economic reality functions correctly.
It's not causally reciprocal from a buyer to a seller to mitigate and regulate the causal free market forces. You're not putting you're own money into something. There is no loss. There is no need to be conscious, aware and focus on quality at all. All the payout comes froma reward pool that you didn't even have to pay into to generate. As such, Steemit is not a free market economic model, despite having similarities and trying to emulate the behavior.
Different content has different markets and has different value. Not the same criteria for valuation.
You don't value an apple product and marketplace with that of a Ferrari and marketplace. There is a more time, effort, energy, work and labor put into creating one than the other.
Some people put much more work, time, energy, effort, and labor to create real world valuable content that didn't exist before. Other people don't, or can't, and may expect to get, or are getting, the same or more valuations or rewards on posts that don't require doing much work other than copy/pasting a link, text, pictures, audio, video, etc. The former creates content through time and labor of their own, like in real life, while the latter but barely any time or effort to post a link or copy/paste something, and expects to get the same rewards, or doesn't, but is rewarded by those who prefer and promote this type of content.
All content has some form of value, granted, but there is a reality of time, energy and work put into creating something of value no matter the subjective value people can have on the content itself. This has a weight factor in considering how rewards are handled in an economic model not based on real-world causal payment from people's own pockets.
The real world has people pay themselves for content they value. Steem/Steemit rewards posts from a reward pool, not from people's own pockets who upvote. When all types of "work" are in one single reward pool that no one had to pay into, that no one is paying from their pockets to lose anything on any purchase or vote they cast, then it's highly subject to influence and manipulations. Those who put in real work to create something, real content, are less rewarded compared to those who simply share what the content creators create.
Usually in reality, people will value quality content over time. Why?
For one (1), they are paying for it themselves, they want the most value for their dollar spent. But in Steemit, no one is actually spending anything of their own. This incentive to promote quality with their own money, is lost on people as they strive for personal monetary gain through gaming the system, many taking and not giving back much quality to help the platform grow as something of quality that isn't found elsewhere. Their goal and focus is not on the long term success of Steemit based on a quality content platform, where you can get unique content to give value to Steemit itself as a content platform to get things. Steemit can also have links to other information sure, but not valued at the same reward for its content type.
Rewarding people who make content compared to rewarding people who share content.
Secondly (2), people value quality over time because this quality content/information lasts as important and valued over time, while other information is fleeting and only relevant to a limited period of time where its frequency of consumption is dictated by it's popularity. This is what will make Steemit grow and last over time. Quality content. Facebook and Twitter are not going to last as the platforms they are if something better comes along, but has different platforms that can interconnect while keeping each content type more visible and accessible for each audience type.
The focus away from quality content that would reflect the overall quality of Steemit to attract future people over time, seems to be driven by the desire for a quantity of people to come in regardless of the quality they bring to Steemit and reflect for the platform, this ranges from simple links and copy/paste, to gambling and pornography.
People are putting the focus on Steemit succeeding through popularity by any means and representing anything, rather than succeeding by quality and presenting a quality image for future members and investors. Facebook, and other socially "reputable" sites would not have the success they do in the mainstream if they simply adopted anything and everything in the world because of some blind naive focus and appeal to censorship freedom. And you're not going to get the majority of people to leave those places like FB if you cater to these low quality vices simply because your focus is on money or quantity of people joining the platform early on.

I want quality growth, even if its slow at first. I want a quality reputation for Steemit. That the success and future I want for Steemit.
What we feed, is what will grow.
Build it, and they will come. Build quality, and you get more quality. Build low quality, and you get more low quality. Quality in, quality out. Garbage in, garbage out.
If we keep rewards the same for all content types, and some types are what get most of the rewards, like for simple rehashing of links, sports betting, etc., then that's what the platform will become more of. Those with the SteemPower fuel the success of content types.
What do you think? How do we change this? Where do we all want to go?
Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-12-05, 10:52am